A Career as a Psychologist Essay Example

📌Category: Career, Health, Life, Medicine, Myself, Psychology
📌Words: 512
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 05 June 2021

I am currently a student at West York Area High School completing my junior year and planning to go to York College as my first choice. My education aspiration consists of completing my junior year of high school, completing my senior year, studying for the SATs, and majoring in Psychology or behavioral science, or criminal justice once I reach college. and that would assist me in pursuing an inherent part in the medical field as a psychologist. I believe that by being in this program I would be able to pursue my education without the worry of my financial needs which are important considering the fact that I am currently jobless and I come from a somewhat low-income family and will have to pay for my own college career. 

I have decided that I will attain a career in the medical field as a psychologist since my passion has always been assisting others and trying to improve their quality of life. Therefore, I think that pursuing such a career will provide me with the opportunity to help improve the lives of several people´s mental health and study their behavior. By being in this program it would allow me to do exactly that without the burden of not being able to pay for my education and the financial stress that comes along with going to college.  I believe that I would make an excellent member of the program because I am a hard-working individual who likes to see the good in everyone and being in this program would be an honor. After getting a psychology degree  I would like to get a job specializing as a Child and  Adolescents Psychologist or as a Criminal Psychologist. 

Furthermore, I want to contribute to the undeserving population who struggle with their mental health every day with mental disorders like clinical depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Not enough people in the U.S. take care of their mental health because of their busy schedules and I want to be there to help. 

This is a major career goal of mine and I am determined to make this dream a reality. By being in this program it would allow me to expand on my knowledge of behavioral sciences and getting into the mind of people which is what psychology really is. A scientific study of the human mind and its function. Nearly one in five  U.S. adults live in mental illness, and with COVID-19 going on right now those mental illnesses and mental health is getting worse because families loved ones are dying. COVID 19 has put colleges in a unique situation and getting a job during a pandemic is difficult so being in this program would relieve some stress that I would be going through as a college student and who knows when COVID-19 may end completely. It may never end, I would love the opportunity to prove that I can handle the responsibility and to prove that I am the best candidate for this program. 

I know that all of my goals for my future will remain a dream right now but I am committed to working hard in school and looking for the opportunity to make my dreams come true and being in this program would do exactly that for me.

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