What Are the Three Methods for Sneaking Out During Curfew?

📌Category: Child development, Family, Psychology
📌Words: 974
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 07 September 2021

Have you ever wondered how could you ever sneak out during curfew? This is a common thought among teenagers, especially those with strict parents. There might be a party that you do not want to miss or a secret rendezvous with your lover. Whatever the case may be, the process of sneaking out seems risky. However, there are three procedures to successfully sneak out during curfew such as setting an exact time to leave and come back depending on your parents' sleep schedule, leaving the door or window slightly open before everyone goes to bed, as well as creating a dummy on your bed as a decoy before leaving.  

The first step of this process is to set an exact time to leave and come back depending on your parents' sleep schedule. In order to do this, observe beforehand when your parents’ go to sleep and when they wake up. Having this knowledge is highly beneficial because it can assist you to avoid being caught. Most teenagers make the mistake of failing to understand their parents' timetables. This can increase their chances of being caught, which you do not want to happen. To keep track of when your parents’ sleep and wake up. First and foremost, do not fall asleep before they do. Then, try listening in on your parents' bedroom, particularly when they begin to snore. If they do not snore, pay attention to when they stop talking or make any sudden movements. Remember to keep track of the time you believe they are entirely asleep. This will come in handy if you need to sneak out again in the future. Then, set an alarm for three or four a.m. to observe when your parents awake. Once you have figured out their sleep cycle, now you can set a time to leave and come back. As a result, set a time an hour to leave after your parents’ have gone to bed. For example, if the party begins at 10:00 p.m. but your parents’ go to bed at 11:00 p.m. make sure to leave for the party at midnight. Afterwards, establish a time two to three hours before your parents are expected to wake up to come back. For example, if your parents awake at 6:00 a.m., make sure to leave the party at 3:00 a.m., or no later than 4:00 a.m. This can help achieve perfect precision while also lowering the chances of being caught.  

Once you have finished determining an exact time to leave and return based on your parents' sleep schedule. Then, before everyone goes to bed, leave the door or window slightly open. To accomplish this, act normal at the dinner table and avoid making any unexpected movements that would lead others to suspect you. Many teenagers make the mistake of acting suspicious and apprehensive, leading their families to believe something is wrong. This may lead to them monitoring your every step. Then, make sure the family is nowhere near the door or window you are about to unlock. Do not let them witness you unlocking the door or window. If there is a circumstance where the family is too close to the door or the window, avoid this by getting the family to change locations. You can do this by making chaos far from the door or window. For example, dropping something big in the bathroom, loud enough to make your family come running in. After this, slip away from the family when you believe they are the most distracted. By doing so, the family will be less focused on you and will be less likely to suspect anything. Once you have gotten away, go to the door or window and slowly unlock it while leaving a little crack. When you need to completely open the door or window to leave, this can help it not create a big noise.  

After you have completed the steps outlined above, then start to create a dummy on your bed as a decoy before leaving. Many teenagers overlook this phase, resulting in them being caught despite their best efforts leading up to sneaking out. For instance, suppose your mom comes to check on you at night and notices an empty bed. In this circumstance, you are immediately apprehended. To avoid this, the first step to creating a dummy on your bed is making sure the door is locked. Keeping the door open while doing this can increase your chances of getting caught. Next, find a proportional size pillow or better yet humanly size stuffed animal. This procedure aids in obtaining an accurate dummy size by making it appear that you are sleeping. Once you have found either a proportional size pillow or humanly size stuffed animal, place the pillow or the stuffed animal on your bed. Afterwards, place a cover or a blanket on top of the pillow or the stuffed animal. Then finally, make sure the cover is placed to look like someone is sleeping underneath. Once you are finished with this last step, you can easily sneak out of the house.  

In short, establishing an exact time to leave and return based on your parents' sleep cycle, leaving the door or window slightly open before everyone goes to bed, and creating a dummy on your bed as a decoy before leaving are the three methods to successfully sneak out during curfew. The first step in determining an accurate time to leave and comeback is to observe when your parents go to sleep and when they get up in order to set a time one hour after they sleep to leave and a return two to three hours before they awake. The process of leaving the door or window slightly open before everyone goes to bed starts with acting normal at the dinner table and avoiding any unusual behaviors and ends with slowly opening the door or window while leaving a little crack. The final step to successfully sneak out starts with creating a decoy dummy on your bed. This step begins with making sure your door is locked to the cover being placed such that it appears that someone is sleeping beneath it. As aforementioned, following these procedures, will help you and fellow teenagers successfully sneak out during curfew. 

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