A Thank You Letter To My Grandma

📌Category: Family
📌Words: 504
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 19 April 2021

Hi Grandma it's Saul. I know you aren't here to actually read this letter but writing to you makes me feel less sad and gives me more comfort because it gives me the feeling that your presence is truly here with me. I hope you miss me as much as I miss you because you have no idea how hard it has been without you being here with me, I truly miss you so much and without you here I feel so empty inside because you were like a mother figure to me and I love you more than words can explain even though you are not here with me today I know you are always looking down at me protecting me through the good and bad times. Furthermore, I really wish I was able to see you one last time. Not only that, but I still can't believe you're gone it still brings tears to my eyes every single night but if I'm going to be honest with you, I really don't feel okay or safe without you here you were the only one who made me feel so loved and welcomed. 

Grandma from multiple points of views, you were the key maternal figure in my life .you were a very confident and strong woman, you have always cared for me and made me feel protected when I felt scared by telling me stories, keeping me warm, and telling me no matter what happens everything will be ok, Grandma you were always the star of the family the one who put as back together when we felt like we were breaking apart. You always showed so much respect for everyone and always saw the good in people. You were the best at keeping our heritage close with us and our traditions even tighter.

You, personally were always trying to protect me like I was your own child you passed away that day because you wanted to save me you put your life on the line for me to survive Grandma on that day Heartbreaking day, your-life reached  the end  while bringing me through the cold thick snow, just to lead me to warmth because you saw how cold I was you didn't care about anything else just for me to get warmth. That day I truly lost a part of myself  that you were strongly a part of. When I was taken away after you passed away it was like my heart left my body and my heart was broken into pieces while going to St. Jerome.

I realize that everybody says that their grandmother is the best. In any case, you, you were the embodiment of what an astounding grandma was So to you grandma, I say bless your heart. Many thanks to You for being the mind-blowing lady you were, I'm so grateful that we also had the relationship I've been trying to keep my grounds up and think positive ever since you left this earth it's still hard. Be that as it may, I know, you're Always watching upon me, and you'll always manage to protect me and guide me. I love you grandma and may you rest in peace until we meet again.

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