Legacy Essay Example

📌Category: Family
📌Words: 286
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 29 May 2021

The dictionary defines legacies as anything handed down from the past, as from an ancestor or predecessor. Legacies are sometimes are things you must live up to or what you are expected to do. It is important for people to leave behind legacies because it is a part of you and your family and so you can remember them by. 

To begin with, legacies are a part of you and your family. Legacies can sometimes be set from someone in your family that you will later have to accomplish. For example, when both the king and queen die the next son or daughter will take the role of king or queen. They will have to live up to their parents and be the best king or queen they can be. 

Furthermore, legacies are what people will remember you by or think of you. For example, if your mother or father goes to jail kids at school or adults who think they know you will think you are going to end up just like them and go to jail. Sometimes if your father is a nurse and your mother is a lawyer, your friends or family will probably think you will become a nurse or lawyer too. They might also think you want to do something important and where you use your smarts while you might just want to be a painter, teacher, or just work at a restaurant. 

In conclusion, the legacy you leave behind can inspire others or open other people’s eyes. The legacy you or your family leave behind is very important because that is what people can remember you by and it is a part of your family. That’s why the legacy you leave behind can impact people’s life because it can later be what your friends or family will want to live up to.

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