Personal Narrative Essay: My Siblings

📌Category: Experience, Family, Life, Myself
📌Words: 541
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 20 April 2021

Growing up with siblings can be a curse and a blessing, it depends on what you make of it.  I got lucky enough to grow up being the oldest of two siblings. I consider this a blessing. Of course, they can get to be a pain in the butt about fifty percent of the time, everyone with a sibling knows that. Everything depends on how close in age you all are though, that is one factor that will determine your bond with them. My sister, Hannah, is currently 18, I am 20, and my brother Hayden is 10. Sadly, it is harder for him and me to bond like my sister and I have because he is so young. Besides the obvious of us being sisters, we have also become best friends over the years. Her and I grew up and went through everything together, our parents’ divorce, family deaths, and just the ups and downs of life in general. Hannah is the most important person in my life because she always stuck by me, and our childhood together.

Hannah has and will always be the most important person in my life, even if I don’t get to see her as often anymore. We have spent 19 years in the same house until I moved to my moms and she decided to stay at dads.  No matter the time that I call her, she always answers her phone and is there for me. She has consoled me after breakups and friendships ending, anything I need her for, she is there. I only see her a couple times a month now that we do not live together but we make time to see one another when needed. 

Growing up in the household we did also pushed us closer together. Our parents would constantly fight and wake us up in the middle of the night. Hannah and I got closer during those times because we were the only ones who understand what each other felt like when this was occurring. Quietly we would sneak to one another’s room every time we heard them, just to make sure the other was okay. She has always been my rock. Not only were we able to bond because of the bad times, but because of plenty of good times.

Everyday since we were born, up until middle/high school started we would be up at my grandma and grandpas’ farm in Connellsville. We grew up hunting and fishing together. Laughing over wrecking our quads or feeding the cows with our pap. These were some of our absolute favorite times in our lives. Hannah and I also grew up doing all of the same hobbies. We were in girl scouts, dance and softball together. I played softball for 13 years and she is going on 14 years! 

Over the past 20 years of my life, I have learned that family is forever. No matter the friends you have, the people who you can always go back to are your family. Even though we may fight, I know that if I texted her an hour later asking if she wants to go to the mall, that she would say yes. After 18 and a half years together and growing to love matching clothes and shoes with each other, she remains my favorite person. Hannah always sticking by my side and us growing up together has not only made her my favorite person, but my lifelong best friend.

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