Importance Of Travelling In Our Life Essay Example

📌Category: Life, Lifestyle, Myself, Traveling
📌Words: 287
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 29 May 2021

In 2020, the global pandemic stopped each of us from travelling. Everybody is missing the feeling of going to a foreign country to discover a different culture. As a matter of fact Ppeople  go overseas for many reasons: teenagers usually travel to study or relax on holiday; whereas adults move for work-related purposes. 

Firstly, travelling will broaden one's mind. Perceiving a new culture and meeting new people is a reminder of the diversity of this planet. Furthermore, it makes us appreciate our family and friends back home and all the things we used to do when we were still there. Not to mention the wealth of knowledge we get while learning facts and acquiring new skills.

On the other hand, travelling might cause people to forget their roots. They might want to move there to start a different life without never coming back. Moreover, they will always be more critical and comparing e the two areas, usually favouring their new life in their current city.

In the past, merchants visited other places for work, while sinners walked on a pilgrimage for religion. “The Canterbury Tales” by the English author Geoffrey Chaucer tells the story of a journey in which some pilgrims decide to narrate different stories while approaching Canterbury to pray for redemption. They get along well even if they didn't know each other before, so it's correct to say that travelling brings people together.

I love travelling. My favourite aspect is probably learning a new culture by visiting significant buildings, eating traditional food and learning some words of the language spoken there. I've never been outside of Europe, but I plan on doing that in the future because I'm interested in oriental countries like Thailand and South Korea.

In other words, travelling is essential to step out of our comfort zone and to understand better the world we live in.

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