Exploring A Career In Social Work Essay Example

📌Category: Career, Life
📌Words: 1002
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 24 July 2022

Social work is a large field with different levels, and is a very essential profession, as it focuses on guiding and supporting people to function in their environments as best they can. Three branches that social work can be broken down to are: micro, mezzo, and macro, and all function to help different groups of people to different degrees. While all are important, I feel it is best for me to focus on the mezzo aspect to be able to have the best effect on others. Many people are in need of help in this world, and pursuing a career in social work is one way that I hope to be able to impact and improve their lives. 

First, is the most widely known social work, which is micro and is focused on using the methods of coaching and counseling individuals, couples, smaller groups and families. Micro is a one-on-one approach to help people deal with past or present issues. The method of counseling is concerned with past problems and helps people heal emotionally to be able to move to the present. The method of coaching deals with immediate issues and helps to create goals to overcome these problems. The micro branch of social work mainly deals with those who are dealing with depression, domestic abuse, substance abuse, or special needs. Aiding them mentally is only half the job, as many still need housing, mental health services and healthcare. Schooling for micro social workers focuses on an undergraduate degree in social work, sociology, or psychology, which can take up to three years. Jobs that are available take place in environments such as hospitals, military, schools, and clinics. Micro social workers are crucial for many individuals but it is not the branch that I would like to focus on when choosing a career.

Next, is the branch of mezzo social work, which deals with larger groups of people than micro social workers do. The mezzo branch is the medium between micro and macro social work, and works with small communities and organizations. Many of these people have shared similar experiences and seek to find comfort in knowing they aren't alone. Similar to macro, mezzo social work also deals with problems in communities to help make a positive change. Ways they do this is by developing programs, and advocate services and resources to these larger groups. Education requires a master's degree of social work and can take 2.5 years. Jobs in this branch, deal with hospitals, politics, advocacy centers, or corporations. 

Finally, the macro branch of social work is the largest of the three and involves dealing with the broader causes of the social injustices in communities, states, and international areas. While this branch focuses on the roots of the problems that micro and mezzo workers deal with, it does not directly help people, which is not something I would like to do. It is centred around research and advocacy for changes in the social problems that people endure. Education for this branch requires at least a bachelor’s, master's, or doctorate degree of social work, and can take up to two to three years. Macro jobs deal with researching for journals, political and government campaigns, and larger scale non-profit organizations.

All of these different categories of social work can also be combined to fit your comfort. Integrating or shifting the types of social work can even enhance the impact that you have on a community. Although the mixing and matching of these different branches does require more schooling, it is a great way to experience various aspects of this profession. 

To go into the field of social work is a difficult task, since many workers deal with the traumatic experiences of their clients daily. Not many are willing to put others before themselves to work with them to create a life that is worth living. But, even if I am only meant to do a specific part in this field, I want to be a part of the change that occurs among these people. The long lasting effects on the communities and individuals that will occur are important to me. I also want to venture in discovering how to prevent such injustices in our society today. Many of these people are unable to help themselves, so having a person who can advocate a change for them is crucial. The only way to truly help these people is to find a way to break the chain of injustices they face. The field of social work is constantly changing and new experiences are to be had every day. Since the job deals with many different people there are also many things you can learn from this profession. This will help you to grow as a person and to develop skills to help create a better life for others. It is also important to realize that if any of us were in a position where our daily necessities were no longer a luxury, or our mental health got in the way of living happily, we would want to be helped and be comforted. And while it is certainly a challenge to balance ourselves and others, I would take on this challenge if it meant helping someone find a meaning in their life. 

Ways I have tried preparing to go into this field are by volunteering weekly at my local food pantry. It is difficult getting up early after a long week of school but makes me feel so happy and this has helped me realize how fulfilling helping others is. Even though those who go to the pantry are not suffering, they are still struggling which for many is a difficult burden to bear. Another way I try to give back is by setting up collections to give to my pantry. Whether it is food or clothes, there are so many people that are so grateful to receive even a little something. I want to continue to give to people and the best way I can accomplish this is by making others my priority through social work. 

Social work is not an easy career but is a very meaningful one for both parties, and can give people hope which is a very worthwhile cause. While everyone feels satisfaction from giving needy people clothes they found buried in their closet, or pocket change, these people are in need of a bigger, and longer lasting change in their lives, which I hope to provide for them by pursuing a career in social work.

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