Agent Jay is Hero (Men In Black Movie Review)

📌Category: Entertainment, Hero, Life, Movies
📌Words: 677
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 30 April 2021

What is your favorite genre of movie? Is it romance, Drama, horror, or mystery? The genre of the movie is one of the main reasons you would watch the movie in the first place. In most movies whether you watch it from home or a theater, there is a hero journey not always but there is most of the time. The hero’s journey is 12 stages that the hero goes through before they can save their world. With that, a hero is someone who is responsible because they know what is at risk, but they may not start like that so they have to learn with the help of the people around them. In the movie Men in black Jay is the classical hero, it was something that the writer made very clear. Jay works for the police which is a job that you could augre if he likes it or not. Throughout the movie Jays really grows as a character he was more open to the world around him. He was also willing to do whatever it took to make sure that his world was safe and the people in it were safe.

Agent Jay is a really good example of a classical hero because at the beginning he is just a normal human being with a job and doesn't know anything but what is outside of his world.

We meet  Agent Jay in his ordinary world which is in New York City in the late 90s. He works as an NYPD. At the beginning of the movie we see him chasing down a bad guy who had broken the law. He had really good physical health and a very high endurance which led him to be recited by agent Kay men in black an unofficial government program. When the hero was first introduced in the film it was the opportunity for the audience to learn about them before their call to the adventure.   The call to adventure is the call to action where the hero has to make a decision where he or not he is going to answer. Agent Jay was called to adventure by Agent kay. Agent Kay starts to really introduce Jay to the world of men in black and the secret that the world does not know about which was that alien exist. For Jay to accept the call he has to realize that he would be leaving the safety of his known world. He is accepting that he no longer has an ordinary life.  By accepting this call he is agreeing to protect the people in the known world. Him accepting this is saying that he is going to do good but is not going to get any credit for it because they do not want the outside world to know anything about men in black and accepting this really helped agent jay to really move on to the next step of becoming a true classical hero. 

Throughout his journey, Agent Jay encounters many trials and limitations that assist him in gaining self-assurance and expertise to be capable of defeating  the enemy, in this case, Edgar the bug, who is attempting to spoil the earth. Encountering wickedness, the hero will make use of each handy choice he has and exhaust the limits of his very own power and talent to make certain that truth prevails (Harris 3). After Agent Kay and Agent Jay comprehend that Edgar the trojan horse stole the galaxy, they put together to battle him and retrieve the charm-sized galaxy earlier than he leaves planet earth. Agent Jay battles the worm whilst Agent Kay enters the digestive tract of the alien-bug to get the swallowed galaxy. After some severe fighting, they are in a position to retrieve the galaxy. However, the retailers assume they killed the bug, however in reality, he is getting returned up to end up the fight. Dr. Laurel Weaver, the love pastime of Agent Jay added until now in the story, which additionally represents the help from without, in view that her rescue is unforeseen, manages to break the computer virus with a laptop gun and prevents Edgar from killing the agents, ensuing in wonderful alleviation for the target market and each agent. Having achieved the journey, the hero has earned the proper to be typically returned into the Ordinary.

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