Essay Sample on Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Social Media

📌Category: Entertainment, Social Media
📌Words: 466
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 21 July 2022

Online media has become one of the most utilized forms of communication that we use today, and everyday, more people are entering the internet community. On social media platforms, individuals can hold conversations, share information, and create content. There are numerous viewpoints on whether or not social networking is beneficial or harmful to humanity. Using the online media irresponsibly has some downsides to it, especially for young teens.  While using social media you may be exposed to some really explicit content online that young kids should not see.  On the other hand, we can benefit from and learn social media. Although there are advantages to using social media, there are more disadvantages.

Social media wasn't intended for everyone. In the article, “Psychology Today” by Victoria L. Dunckley states, “A tween’s underdelveloped frontal cortex can’t manage the distraction nor the temptations that come with social media use.” Social media is primarily used as a source of amusement; therefore, web-based media might not help your child become more prepared for real life. Similar to a video game addiction, social media can become an addiction too. This type of addiction might lead to the development of unhealthy habits in the future. If social media is interfering with your connection to your child at home then you'll need to find new methods to utilize online wedia sensibly.

In the article, identifies this as one of the risks for children using social media “being exposed to inappropiate or upsetting content , like mean, aggressive, violent or sexual comments or images”. Another thing to think about when you start using social media is cyberbullying. In today’s world cyberbullying has become a major issue for young teenagers. When it comes to the internet you can never be too safe. You have no control over what other people do or say on the internet, but you can teach your child what to avoid. 

Despite all of the disadvantages of social media we can still benefit from it. Teens can engage with their friends on social media about their favorite hobbies such as, sports, video games, and reading. Social media is at the center of many young teen’s social and artistic life. Despite the benefits of social media, if you don't feel comfortable with your child using social media, reach an agreement with them. If your child is aware of the risks with social media, then you should consider your child utilizing social media. Rules are frequently posted on social media platforms, yet they are rarely followed.

You can't ignore social media because it is everywhere. There are different points of views on whether social media is good for young teens. You need to know what you are getting yourself into when you let your kids have social media. Some kids may use it correctly but others may not. Just be safe and try to avoid the negative aspects of social media. With social networking it is probably best to wait until your child is mature enough to utilize social media the right way.

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