How Siblings Can Affect A Life Essay Sample

📌Category: Family, Life
📌Words: 1038
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 03 July 2022

Are you one of those people that gets easily irritated with your siblings when they make a lot of noise when you're studying? If you're like me, perhaps this article can help you find a solution. It is a difficult situation being in a house where you cannot be at peace and have your own space. Nosy siblings can irritate to a point of getting mad at them, you are studying, sleeping or simply being calm and they are causing trouble, but instead of getting mad at them finding new perspectives will help to overcome the problem.


Immaturity, inattention, and anxiety can be some of the many reasons our siblings can be loud. Because of that sometimes they are too loud, to the point that they don't let us study. The usage of video games and music can also be a significant source of noise, since siblings are frequently playing or listening to excessively loud music, trying to get our attention. On most occasions, the cause of these circumstances is a lack of attention caused by parents, which affects the younger children, to which they respond directly with loud noises to draw attention. As (Smith & Ross, 2007) said ''experimental studies have provided more direct evidence that parental interventions influence children’s conflict strategies.'' (p. 551). This suggests that parents frequently provoke siblings' conflicts and problems because they give more attention to some than others. This is pretty common in my case since I occasionally see that my parents pay less attention to my siblings, which leads them to react by making sounds to attract attention to themselves. As a result of all these situations, many times our siblings can be loud and cause chaos while we are studying.


Our siblings being loud while we study can have a negative impact on our life in a variety of ways. Conflicts between siblings, depression and a loss of concentration when studying are just a few of the consequences. When these scenarios occur, we begin to feel uneasy in our own homes, which leads to the development of unpleasant emotions against our siblings. Although our siblings are the cause of the problem, they might also face adverse effects, such as panic attacks due to inattention or anxiety. As the writers point out ''in extreme cases, these strategies may escalate into sibling abuse, the most common type of family violence.'' (Straus, Gelles, & Steinmetz, 1980, para. 2). This indicates that these events might have a severe negative impact on the siblings, resulting in violence. One of the worst effects this has caused in my family is the estrangement from us as siblings. Since my siblings are extremely loud when studying, I have chosen to stay away from them at times because even If I try to explain them, they never want to understand me. Because of these effects, the environment in the house is sometimes uncomfortable and a little unpleasant.

Current Solutions

Due to our loud siblings, we students confront several problems when studying at home. Being able to study and concentrate is one of the most difficult challenges. A solution might be to speak with our siblings to see if they can comprehend the problem. Which would not work because, even if we wanted to, we cannot control the attitude of others. Another viable option is to ignore them and pretend that they are not making any noise. This is both impossible and immature because we would not address the problem, but we would aggravate it, thus it would not work. Another method that could work is to talk to your parents about it. This is highly unlikely to succeed because siblings rarely listen to their parents when it comes to other siblings. Just like the authors said ''instead, disputants could solve their problems by constructively negotiating the issues on which their interests diverge.'' (Ram & Ross, 2001, p. 1711). This suggests that we may always discuss and find a solution with our siblings to address the problem, preventing a larger situation from occurring. I believed ignoring them would be a good solution for me, but it made me feel horrible later, which is not encouraged. In the end, all these situations are unsuccessful since none has helped to resolve the situation between siblings.

New Perspectives 

Since the previous scenarios fail in the end and none of them succeeded to resolve the situation, finding new perspectives will help to overcome this problem. As a person studying psychology, those loud noises could help me in the future to understand others in the same situation and find the solution. Getting to know your siblings deeply and knowing what they are feeling is psychological prove that guides you to create a connection and stability in your life. Siblings have a big impact on our lives and learning about the happiness they bring would also guide you through life. Situations are common between siblings especially those with a big age gap, those little moments will me to comprehend different types of behaviors and control them. Being aware of the problem and knowing how to manage it outside the home will help you through your career and your personal life as well. As Hazan and Shaver said ‘’sibling relationships can also be viewed from an attachment perspective.’’ (Stocker, 2000). The attachment between siblings can strengthen bonds and mutual emotions of caring and loving. All of these new perspectives could be beneficial to others since they work for me. Siblings are not always there to bother, sometimes their actions could lead you to genius ideas. My siblings help me to understand certain types of behaviors that I could use throughout my career as well as others. I create this sense of tolerating loud noises thanks to them, a lesson that will be useful in my future. Being around nosy siblings was always a bad thing until I comprehend and understand them, it is not a bad thing anymore, it is a lesson that I will use in the future.


Briefly, we can say that although many of the situations have negative effects on us, there are always solutions that lead us to resolve the problem. Siblings can have a negative impact on our life if we do not comprehend them, understanding and finding the good things about their actions will lead to a positive relationship with them. If we do not even try to analyze their actions, over time it will have harmful consequences for both of you. Finding new perspectives helps you to realize how important our siblings are and how much influence t have is us.  So, if you're one of those persons who get irritated easily when they hear loud noises, I recommend reading this paper and finding the solution, as I did.

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