Essay About Vacation With Family

📌Category: Experience, Family, Life, Myself
📌Words: 502
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 04 June 2021

The first time I went on vacation with my parents, I was extremely excited. I was 14, fresh out of middle school, and I felt like I was the only child my age who hadn't gone on a vacation.  So when my dad said that we were going to Tybee Island, a beach in Georgia, I couldn't be happier. It was also a bonus that the vacation was at the beach, being that I absolutely love the sun and the heat! This trip to the beach was going to be a fun, family bonding experience that left me relaxed and jovial.       

The week before, my mother and I went shopping for our trip. We bought bathing suits, beach clothes, towels, sandals and anything else we needed. The beach was four hours away, so we decided to drive. My father flew down from New York and rented a car to drive us to Tybee Beach. We left for the trip at around 8 in the evening. I have never driven with my dad for a long period before so I was super excited. During the drive, we ate snacks and listened to music only I liked. As we got closer to the beach, it started to storm heavily. It was frightening as the roads were wet and we couldn't see very far ahead. I decided to sleep the rest of the way. When I awoke, we had arrived!

Our first morning there, my dad and I got up early to go walk on the beach. We played in the water, laid on the beach, and collected seashells. It was very delightful to spend quality time together as I don't see him very often. After the beach, we sat by the hotel pool and laid in the sun. 

My mom had stayed in the hotel because she wanted to sleep in. My mother and I decided to walk around the gift shops near the beach.  

The rest of the week was filled with great experiences as we explored the island. On one of the days of the trip, we did a tour ecology tour on the south side of the beach. The tour guide showed us parts of the beach where organisms were hiding. We also were allowed to help pull in a net from the ocean to show us the different species of fish that were located in Tybee (we threw the fish back into the ocean). The tour ended with the guide pointing out the dolphins that were swimming near the shore.  The next day, we did a dolphin tour on a huge boat ride. It was very exciting to be on the boat in the ocean and we saw plenty of dolphins. 

On the last night of the trip, my parents and I went to a nearby seafood restaurant and we ordered a feast. After we ate, we took one final walk on the beach and then we went back to the hotel. That day was one of the happiest days I've had in a long time. It was a very good time in my family's life. The drive home was blissful as we all reflected on our joyous trip.

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