Personal Essay Sample: What Type of Writer am I?

📌Category: Education, Life, Myself, Writing
📌Words: 610
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 31 July 2022

A dedicated writer begins with them knowing what type of writer they have become over the years. There are four types of writers you can grow into; the chunk writer, the incubator, the outliner, or the noter. If you have been writing for a longer period; you most likely follow the same type of format. The format keeps a writer's individual personality different from other exceptional writers. Every person has a different way of writing stories but what type of writer have I become?

When it comes to writing essays and different types of short stories; I am an incubator. Incubators constantly think of how there going to organize their essay and where every little detail is going to go. These types of writers have thought about their main idea so much that they write the top of their essays right to the bottom but originally I started as a noter. I just randomly thought of ideas from the books or research projects. I would throw ideas into my paragraphs and form the paragraph around that idea. I shifted into an incubator because I was getting identical types of stories.

The most difficult part of writing is finding a subject that inspires me to compose a great essay. There are easier parts of writing but, my favorite is when I have a story or a script that has a lot of details that relate to myself. I love when you have to write a paper on a tv show, movie, or rarely a book. Those papers can relate to your life so deeply that you can form your own story out of the main idea of the original story.

Some people are better at writing naturally than others. Naturally, gifted writers enjoy books and can form a better sentence because they study how previous books were written. Some writers can narrate their life almost perfectly. They have a great storytelling ability to put drama and their personality into their different writings. I have written a review that is top-quality work but, I never wrote it for grading purposes. I have always questioned my essays throughout the time I have spent working on them to make them the best they possibly can be.

I have written many great essays but, the one thing I need to work on is the flow between paragraphs. Writing is a great way for me to express my thoughts and emotions towards another person's opinions. The thought of writing a review on somebody else's work brings me joy because some people might change the way I think about writing in different situations. As a writer, it feels like you become this descriptive deeper throughout reader that brings the small details together into one summary. 

There is another side of writing that a lot of people skip over and it's becoming a good editor. When you become an editor you have to look for the small details that have could have been missed in the heat of writing. Editors have to take multiple parts of the story in check like the main idea, grammar, and punctuation. Most of the time you have to be detached from the story to help the story grow into the best possible story it can become in the final draft.

A dedicated writer begins with them knowing what type of writer they have become over the years. There are multiple types of writers and they all have different ways of writing their amazing essays. Some parts of writing become difficult and sometimes it's the easiest thing in the world. People can write easier than others can but there are those times when you can write the best story in the classes when given the right motivation. Editors, writers, or both can succeed in their job in the best ways possible. In conclusion, there are many different ways you can write and become a successful writer no matter what type of writer you are.

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