Persuasive Essay Example: Vaccine Should Be Required for Anyone Attending a Public School

📌Category: Coronavirus, Education, School, Vaccination
📌Words: 958
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 24 July 2022

Safety is CDC’s top priority. The vaccines are free. They recommend you receive all dosages for you to be most protected from the virus. There are three different dosages available since December 2020 known as Johnson & Johnson Janssen, Pfizer- BioNtech, and Moderna. Then there was also booster later on introduced and recommended for you to be fully protected, The vaccines are to reduce a persons risk of contracting the virus that cause Covid-19. While, Pfizer is the only vaccines that has started to test its vaccine in children 12 and older. 

As the coronavirus pandemic continues to spread and schools have opened back up, not all children have been fully vaccinated. All districts had closed down due to the number of COvid-19 cases involving teachers and most the students. I believe that by doing so nothing was really considered by deciding to have all children go back to public schools. They only requirement is for you wear a mask and if feeling staying home. What guarantee does that give the children whom are fully vaccinated.

Everyone just gets to go back, not all parents are careful like others and implement to children to be careful and taking very careful measures while being in school. Some parents at home are also very prone to getting sick, so what if there is two children one whom is fully vaccinated and one is not. The one who is fully vaccinated only feels mild symptoms and the other child does not make it out very well out the virus. Then the other not vaccinated child also contracts the virus and so on. The cycle just never ends, which I am sure there is still teachers whom are so against it as well and are not vaccinated. Then another cycle begins. Cases are reported everyday to parents via email. Students do not have the choice of stating home because online school is not an option anymore. 

So, yes the vaccine should be required and all children should be vaccinated and even though they are more resilient, they are still people whom can still get and spread Covid- 19.  There is a reason why flu season is always so high in schools every year.  It is very dangerous for children to contract two infections one of them being virus. Although there infections rate is not as high as adults. There is so many children whom may have their high risk family members at home and so on the cycle keeps going and going. Pfizer released data stating the vaccine is highly effective in ages 12-15 and none of them of them ended up getting the virus who were vaccinated and kids in the study may even have better immune response than adults. 

I believe all eligible ages wanting to attend public school must be required to be fully vaccinated and those who are not have the option for online school. That would be the only way to have more control of this virus and start to finally see a difference. All these deaths we have had over the past two years could finally come to a stop, our hospital would not be filled up with all of our children that would also change the number of adults admitted in the ICU. That so many eventually don’t make it out of the hospital. 

The public school all over the world should require for all eligible students to be vaccinated. At times it gets you to thinking just how a concert is required for you to show prove of vaccination or covid test within 72 hours for a concert that only last about three hours max. Why shouldn’t our children be as important and have to take precautions they are our future and we should worry about them all, and their health. So many parents are against it but vaccines have been around for so many years and required for our children and show proof of shot record to the school at enrollment. The vaccine is just like the Hepatis B, Measles, Polio, ad varicella and are required by law. Why shouldn’t the vaccine be required to those eligible to receive them and become just one more of that list. 

I  believe if the vaccine does become available for the children up to six months old or even five year old that is when they are required to attend their first year in school would be something that would help the entire world to finally come to some sort of break and peace the schools would be so much safer for our children to attend. All the school members and school leaders, superintendents they did not do their part to help mitigate this virus in their communities, they all basically did not do enough to prevent the misery that many of the children are having to go through for about four to five days. Anti-science, Anti-mask and Anti-government and school leaders made this problem worse than it needed to be. Then they wonder we have so many shortages of our teachers they also have children at home and high-risk family members whom they need to protect. But yet all these indoor masks less basketball games can go on.  

Every district should consider coming together and really think it through as soon as possible, have all of the younger children go virtual till the vaccine is eligible for everyone as per the CDC there is the moderna vaccine that is being tested and results will be released at the end of January 2022. Once we have answers for that vaccine it should all start to become better and the vaccine should be required for anyone attending a public school. They can come up with so many ways to bring the community together and allow days for the children to get vaccinated, Every time they go into holidays and get back to school the number of covid cases increases due to the fact that so many children are not vaccinated. Hopefully by the end of January 2022 when the vaccine eligible for children up to 6 months is approved school will once again be the safest place for our children. 


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