Should Education And Health Care Be Free Of Charge

📌Category: Education, Health, Health Care, Social Issues
📌Words: 351
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 15 April 2021

“Free education and health care are essential for the welfare of the population.” By Jose Ramos-Horta. Education as well as healthcare are an important and should be free. Healthcare and college should be free for everyone on earth because going to college improves society, widens workforce, and healthcare should be free to provide everyone a healthier life. 

College is essential and if it were to be free it would help improve society. It could help improve society by giving access to education easier. Giving free college would motivate students to enroll into college therefore helping more people become educated, this gives a chance to our society to progress. Educating people will result in people noticing what their community needs and get involved in things that will help change and improve, such as politics. A bonus, free college would ease student’s worry to pay off the money and help concentrate on their studies, resulting in better understanding. 

Free college would also help widen workforce. This is because with more education, people are able to work for a more skilled workforce. Automation is replacing many people’s jobs, and the jobs that remain are those that require more skill. Free education would allow more people to learn more skills that are now and will be required in the future. In addition, with more educated people, the workforce would be agile in case of an economic change. 

Every person should be able to live happily and worry free from not being able to afford health insurance. People’s suffering and death shouldn’t be the cost of not being able to pay something that many cannot afford. Money is short in many places in the world and many people don’t get the chance to receive a basic right and need. In conclusion, college and healthcare should be free for everyone on earth because it would help our society grow, if college was free, many more people would be motivated to enroll in it, as a result, our society would be able grow into something better, not only that, but many people’s dreams would be accomplished as well. Healthcare should also be completely free to everyone around the world because it would help numerous people who are in need, for example, due to an accident or illness.

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