Against School Dress Codes and Uniforms Essay Example

📌Category: Education, School
📌Words: 540
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 24 April 2021

Over the years dress code has been a topic of many discussions regarding if it should be enforced or not, now in the age of covid things look different for all spectrums of the world to the point of the idea of a dress code being upheld through a screen. I am against the dress code for remote learners because kids focus better on wearing what they choose and the schools should not tell them what they should wear because they have no authority over them except to teach them.

When kids choose what they want to wear they feel more comfortable and feel more relaxed. Many studies have shown that children feel suppressed of their freedom of expression due to having strict dress codes thrown down their throats. If you want to have kids focus more you should worry about things like are they turning things on time and how they are managing themselves not worrying about what they wear at every given place and hour. I don't get how pieces of fabric you wear on yourself should be dictated by a higher-up authority, especially in your own home. This idea of dress code has made many young kids these days very self-conscious about what to wear and afraid of getting reprimanded for their choice of attire. 

The argument over dress code has been going on for many years now to say that dress code is not necessary at all in a school setting is preposterous, but now school districts have been faced with a different issue regarding dress code online. When you are in your own home do you think you should be told how to act by someone who does not pay the mortgage for your home, does not clean and any other things to keep a home well fit?  No of course. Why should it be any different for the students that work online? There are many discussions over why dress code should not be implemented in an online setting, still, schools enforce it a question that goes through my mind is are the school directors just plain ignorant and they just simply don’t care for the well-being of their students.  

Some people like to say If you wear certain criteria for what you can were to school it could help you look more professional and look like you are ready to learn for the day. This proposal is completely simple-minded because everyone has a different standard for what is considered professional. One example of this is what if there is a dress code for a district that lives in poverty their idea of professionalism is going to be much different from your more wealthy counties. Another thing people like to say about the dress code is non-optional. After all, you do what you are told because you have to. Endorsing this idea just shows that you believe schools act as a prison the more you enforce on the kids the more there going to hate the place they have to spend 8 hrs of their life every day.

This idea of having a dress code in the school system will never go away completely, but this notion that it should be online is ludicrous. The reason why I want the dress code to be eradicated from the online spectrum is that it promotes stress in many young children, and the school should not have a say in what goes on in someone’s own home.

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