Is College Worth It Argumentative Essay

📌Category: Education, Higher Education
📌Words: 1038
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 03 June 2021

Many professionals voice the capability to make a larger salary as the influential factor supporting why they decide to pursue a college degree or education. Does earning a college degree truly lead to a larger salary? If so, how much larger? Individuals who argue that college is worth it proclaim that college graduates have elevated employment rates, vast salaries, additional career benefits as opposed to high school graduates. They say college graduates have lifelong benefits and have demonstrated their capability to accomplish a crucial achievement. Many say attaining a college degree is entirely about opening up chances or opportunities in life. Individuals who argue that college isn’t worth it proclaim that the debts and charges coming from college loans are excessively high and detain graduates from saving in order to retire, purchase a house, or get married. These individuals also argue that several accomplished people didn’t go or graduate from college and that numerous have jobs, particularly trade jobs, don’t insist on having college degrees. Not everybody feels the need to go to college, some are still on the fence about going and some can’t afford to go to college. Going to college does seem to give you more experience in several fields. Though, several individuals are successful and accomplished without college degrees.

Pros of College

For the majority of individuals, the capability to procure more money is the willpower behind proceeding to college., says “The average college graduate makes $570,000 more than the average high school graduate over a lifetime.”  A bachelor’s, master’s, or Ph.D., is the utmost usual course of action to careers which request greater skills and put forth higher pay. As stated in a national report by the State Higher Education Executive Officers Association (, high school graduates earn an average of nearly $30,000 per year. Bachelor graduates earn an average of precisely above $50,000 a year. Individuals with a higher-level degree (master’s, doctorate, or professional) average roughly $70,000 per year. But earring’s potential alters depending upon what field you work in. For instance, getting a master’s degree in nursing or education won’t advance to more than half as much money as a master’s degree in engineering or business. 

Getting a college degree is a usual path or route to a more favorable career. Enrolling in college, most individuals have the mindset of going to get a greater job not only one that will pay higher but one in which they are more fulfilled and steady., says “The unemployment rate for Americans over 25 with a bachelor’s degree was 1.9% in Dec. 2019, compared to 2.7% for those with some college or associate’s degrees, 3.7% for high school graduates, and 5.2% for high school drop-outs.” A great number of high school graduates work in low paying jobs that don’t 

contribute many chances or opportunities in order for development. College graduates, on the contrary, tend to possess abilities or skills that authorize them for a vast array of employment in fields that provide greater career growth or progression. 

One of the most important action activities taken in college is networking. Networking involves encountering and meeting the right people who can directly assist you presently or later in the future with your career targets and goals. As a matter of fact, a recent report claims 85% of all jobs are discovered through networking. These same connections could perhaps be able to connect you to resources that will be of value to you improving your understanding of your field. Have you ever heard the phrase “it's not what you know but who you know”? You should network if you are passionate about your field and want to be occupied. Networking permits you to trade resources with other individuals and it might provide you with social assistance, along with reliable colleagues that you can fall back on. By connecting with these individuals, you can more rapidly understand and learn about your field as you're in school. Networking gives you an advantage when it comes to applying and being hired by a corporation in your field.

Countless individuals undervalue the extent regarding individualized growth that they will undergo while they're in the process of obtaining their degree. A college education demands students to conquer all sorts of obstacles and tribulations and develops them not just for the place of work but to manage many of life's difficulties. As reported by Arthur Chickering’s “Seven Vectors” student development theory, “developing mature interpersonal

relationships” is one of the seven levels students advance through as a result of attending college. Effective planning and organization, for instance, are simply two instances of the abilities which you’re possible to obtain throughout your duration in college. While you better understand how 

to react to tension and tribulations, you will gradually discover that you’re better capable of handling obstacles in various circumstances.  

Cons of college

Paying for college is costly, and tuition has been increasing over the years. With tuition rising it’s difficult for individuals to afford it. said,  “From the 1986-1987 school year to the 2016-2017 school year, the average cost of one year of college (including room and board) increased for 4-year private schools (109.6%) and 4-year public schools (125.7%), while median family income only increased 10.0% between 1986 and 2015.” Higher education analysts state the majority of the rise in tuition amid private and public four-year colleges concur with the Great Recession, however the economic decline due to the coronavirus pandemic can affect tuition expenses in the years ahead. Students are also commonly needed to pay fees, these expenses generally are required to be paid to enroll and be present in class. 

As I previously stated college is expensive, with costs constantly rising, and several college graduates are loaded with massive amounts of student loan debt. As reported by the US Congress Joint Economic Committee, roughly 60% of college graduates have student loan debt balances equal to 60% of their yearly income. Several college graduates have stated that their student debt has postponed home possession, retirement plans, car buying, and marriage. 

As stated by the Department of Labor, up to 17 million college graduates work in jobs that did not demand a college education. Greater than 16,000 parking lot attendants, 83,000 

bartenders, 115,000 janitors, and 15% of taxi drivers have bachelor’s degrees. College graduates working in jobs that don’t order you to have a college degree make 30-40% fewer weekly than those working in jobs that require college degrees. 

This is your choice to make, no one can choose a path for you. Try to find out what you could do to make it less stressful and exhausting. There are pros and cons of going to college like there is to everything else in life but the choice is yours to make not anyone else’s.

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