Essay Sample on Value of Education in Life

📌Category: Education
📌Words: 769
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 02 July 2022

The value of education in one’s life is immeasurable. Education gives us knowledge of our society and environment, as well as the skills to improve these. Education also assists us in developing our unique perspective on life, preparing us to have our points of view and make our own opinions on many topics. As a result, education is critical in determining an individual’s success. It enables us to become productive members of a civilized society by providing us with all of the required skills. Our vision is broadened and we become more aware as a result of education. It aids in the development of a disciplined lifestyle and increases our earning potential. However, the system of education was disrupted and is no longer a process of learning information as a result of the abrupt emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic. According to a study, the country’s education system is one of the institutions that has been severely impacted. The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) has implemented a series of adjustments, now referred to simply as “blended learning,” to ensure that learners’ needs are not neglected in this so-called new normal. This set-up has tested the majority of students’ adjustment to the new normal. It put the students’ abilities, skills, time management, health, social interaction, and, most significantly, self-worth to the test. Many people have acclimated and are still adjusting to today’s new educational learning environment. I regard myself to be somewhere in the middle. It has significantly improved my abilities and abilities. In comparison to the prior setup, I’ve become more motivated and passionate about what I do, which has resulted in better results. I couldn’t concentrate on my studies at the time due to a variety of factors. A sport, rest, friends, and even hanging out all serve to divert my attention away from my studies. I can say that at the time, I was learning while slowly drowning in bliss to the point that I wasn’t providing my academic best. For learning having time management, it was hard at first. However, as time passes, I have come to respect and make good use of my time to balance my study habits and social life. For my health, it affected it at first. My sleeping pattern was altered. As I become an all-nighter only to run some school errands, I tend to sleep past midnight. While everyone else in our place was sleeping peacefully, I was awake in the middle of the night, pondering how I was going to do all of the tasks. Under the stars and moon, there was a dreadful student like me who wished to slow down the passage of time. Nobody can see my pain, worries, and most especially my tears. And I don’t want to disturb others in this situation as I know that we all have the same and maybe deeper burdens that we carry in life. But that’s life, I need to go through pain and suffering before reaching the endpoint of my chosen career path. As time passed by, I learned how to interact virtually. I’ve made a new circle of friends and I can participate in class, unlike before where there’s no pandemic. I’m hesitant to speak up or recite knowing that I’m not confident in my answer and I’m afraid to be judged. But through this new setup of learning, I’ve gained confidence. I participate in class, do reporting, and can share what I’ve learned with others. I believe it is beneficial for me as I’ll be able to concentrate properly. I became more excited if there’s a recitation as I know that it can be a great contribution to my grades. My friends in today’s setup may not be permanent as we only met virtually but I am thankful that they were able to help me to strive hard and push through my limits. They were the reason why I can easily understand the given tasks and assignments. We’ve been sharing information so that no one will be left behind. We’ve become each other’s strength when someone’s feeling down. In general, I can put a higher importance on my education as a result of this new learning approach. It gave me great pleasure to be able to continue my studies despite the Pandemic. Even though managing my time is difficult and stressful, I’m glad I’m able to do so and that this continues to surprise me of how flexible am I toward this. I can develop myself in many aspects of life and allow myself to grow each time I use this new learning technique. As a result, I can remark that even though this online program has been very beneficial to me, it would be even better if the old system were reinstated so that many of us could comprehend the lessons thoroughly. Moreover, any learning environment will not hinder me from learning and improving my skills and abilities that will aid me on this journey.

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