Presidential Scholarship Essay Sample

📌Category: Education, Scholarship
📌Words: 646
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 18 July 2022

Have you ever said to yourself “How was someone able to come up with the idea to build that and put it together” while looking at a building or even just a toy? Maybe you haven’t, but let me tell you something, I most definitely have and it wasn’t just once. Ever since a young age, I was obsessed with how certain things were put together and can function with just a push of a button. I was always asking my parents “Do you know how this was put together?” and the answer was always “I don’t know” but that was never good enough for me, I would sit there for hours thinking to myself about how it could be done and all of the different ways it would work even though some ideas would be impossible to do. This was the moment that started the pathway that would lead to one day being able to be that person that could answer all of the questions that my younger self had. I’ve always kept to this end goal I had set up for myself and I continue to strive to get closer to completing it every day of my life and I plan to do that for as long as it takes until I can finally reach it and do what I set out to do.

Growing up in a family with a low income and having to live without the luxuries other people had for most of my life put a lot of pressure on me by my family to do better and succeed in life so I don’t have to go through the struggles that they went through. While I am feeling pressured by this, it has also given me a lot of motivation to do better with my life and show my parents that I can become something great like they have always wanted for me. Knowing the struggles my mom had to face with raising me on her own and the sacrifices she had to make for us to be happy puts in perspective that rather than me getting through school and getting my life on a successful path making me happy but it is making my mom happy to see all of the efforts she went through to make my life as best as it could be paid off and she can know that she was the one who made it possible for me to be at the point that I am. This is the biggest motivation that I have and I know that I need to keep going down this path to not only make me happy but make my mom happy and proud of what I can make of myself.

The presidential scholar position is a very competitive and prestigious honor that is only given out to the best of the best, which is why I know I can uphold that position and meet all of the specifications that allow me to be named a presidential scholar. Not only do I have the education and knowledge, but I also have the mindset of a presidential scholar and the willingness to do whatever it takes to be the best that I can be and improve on what I already know. With my motivation in mind and my drive to complete the goals I have, there won’t be anything that could hold me back from reaching my highest potential and making my dreams become reality. If given this opportunity it would be an amazing motivator that would push me even harder in all aspects of my life and will let me prove to myself and everyone else that it pays off to work hard, it pays off to focus on your goals, and it pays off to put forth all of your time into something you are greatly passionate about. So, when asked, “Why should I be an MSOE presidential scholar?” I can confidently say, “My passion, motivation, and drive allow me to succeed in anything I need to get done and as long as I am true to myself I know I will accomplish great things”.

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