The Importance Of Print Books

📌Category: Books, Education, Internet, Learning, Literature
📌Words: 330
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 14 April 2021

It is critically important that we use printed resources than the internet when doing our research. Personally, I believe that it is more easy and reliable when we utilize printed materials than internet. I feel this way for two reasons, which I will walk you through the following essay.

To begin with, it is more difficult to study and focus while using internet resources. Often we struggle studying on the internet, because learning with computer and mobile screen make us tired sleepy. On the other hand, we feel more comfortable using printed books and articles where we can have a book in our hands studying on the couch which lead us to focus and concentrate. For example, about 2 years ago I was doing my bachelor degree thesis. I did some finding on the internet and found some resources. I tried to study the PDF and PTP files on my computer. I was getting tired studying after an hour and I felt to sleep. For this reason, I change my decision of studying on my computer and I went to my University library for the exact materials. I found more relaxing and comfortable studying the books and article there at the library.

Besides that, Internet materials can be unreliable to use in academic research. Topics on the Internet can be written by anyone. Improper usage lead student to failure and lower scores on their research. Conversely, printed resources are all approved by professors and other academician which is more save to use and cite in our investigation. To demonstrate, let me tell you my own story. During my bachelor study years, my teacher assign me to search and present about computer memories in the class. I went through some webpages and found some articles – made presentation and cited the website URL only in the source part – no author. Teacher asked about the writer, I had no idea. As a result I lost some scores.

As a final point, I strongly believe that utilizing printed book, article and other academic papers which are accepted by professors would bring trustworthiness and is easier to learn and catch things.

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