The Humanity of a Creature (Frankenstein by Mary Shelley Analysis)

📌Category: Books, Literature
📌Words: 330
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 28 April 2021

Is the Creature from the graphic novel Frankenstein a human or an animal? To make it blunt, the Creature is human. The Creature experiences emotions just like a 'normal' human, shows sympathy multiple times to different people, has the same needs as a human, and can learn new things.

First, the Creature has the same needs as any other human. He needs air to breathe, water to avoid dehydration, and food so he will not starve. He also desires a companion (116).

The Creature has also been able to experience emotions like any other human. For example, the man in the house left, the Creature had eaten all of the food at the house, and when the family came back, they had no food and starved that night. The Creature had felt bad for the family, so he went and got them food while they were asleep (96). The Creature has also felt sympathy multiple times. At one point in the graphic novel, the Creature saves a woman from drowning (110). Another instance is when the Creature feels guilt towards Victor after Victor dies, saying he "pitied" Frankenstein. (189-190).

Finally, the Creature can learn new things. Before the Creature had found the family's house, he had to survive in the wild alone. During this time, the Creature learned what his surroundings were and hunt and cook (87-89). While living in the family's home, the Creature learned how to speak, farm, collect wood, and read (82-102). 

On the other hand, some people argue that the Creature is not a human. This point of view makes sense because the Creature was not born like a human, has not had a typical human experience, and does not look like a human. However, many people have never experienced a typical human life, and many people do not look like a 'normal' human. Therefore, the Creature is more like a human than an animal.

In conclusion, the Creature is a human and not an animal or a monster. The Creature has felt sympathy, and along with other emotions, has the same needs as any other human and can learn as a human can.

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