Professionalism Skills for Workplace Analysis

📌Category: Business, Business Literature, Literature, Workforce
📌Words: 484
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 01 May 2021

In the four chapters that I read in the book “Professionalism Skills for Workplace” by Lidia E. Anderson and Sandra B. Bolt, I have learned a lot of things. Chapter 5, 6, 7, and 8 tells about the employees have responsibility and ethics at work and in lifestyle. In society and business, we peculiarly use ethics as the practice of expressing good values and morals in most cases deciding our personal and professional life. 

As employees, we have rights and privileges, with all of the rights comes with some responsibilities which can principally be for both sides, the company and us, the employee. In business, we particularly need to keep in mind that we kind of have a lot of responsibilities to perform a lot of tasks not only in the corporation where we work but with the community where our corporation belongs. For me, responsibility in a Business area is very important as an example, we began to be trained in a company or corporation not to make some mistakes in the future or to be more prepared, that is what I feel or believe. Being in a company gives us many responsibilities and you have to know how to handle. That being said, I can give an example, you can have friends at work but that does not for all intents and purposes mean that you will be talking with them while you are not doing your job, which undoubtedly is your responsibility since sometimes you work in a group and because of you, not your fault. Not having finished your task will blame others. Also, to start a business, you have to be responsible for everything since you will be your boss, you have to know when things are paid, you have to have a plan because if you don't work with one, your business will fail. And the people you work with have to start looking for another workplace. As a matter of fact, you basically have a responsibility to satisfy the customer and among other things.

Ethics specially is how we usually act or actually behave in light of the fact of our conduct effectively is principally affected by our morals. Along the same lines, the public and the business area have an excellent understanding as to what business mainly do which actively definitely demonstrates that they distinguish when businesses are not doing ethically the, in most cases, right thing. According to business, I will learn about corporate social responsibility, whistle-blowing, insider trading, conflict of interest, code of conduct, human rights, corporate governance, code of ethics, ethical practices, moral principles, and more. My thoughts on this topic are that ethics comes from home, from how your parents raised you. The leading cause of how you act and everything are how and in what place you have grown up. My point of view, ethics for is very important because it reflects how you would like to be treated. I would not like to have credits stolen for something I did; it is something very unfair but today there are people who prefer to do that and receive all the supplements. 

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