Brave New World by Aldous Huxley Book Review

📌Category: Books, Literature
📌Words: 606
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 16 April 2021

Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World (1932) is a dystopian novel that talks about how too much technology can lead to uncivilization due the disruptions technology makes Children are born in hatcheries, where they are conditioned, based on what part of their “caste system” they will be in. The first part in the tone Huxley uses a disturbing tone about individuality to signal the reader to remain skeptical, but the second part of the story is more uncivilized because of Johns uncivilized manner. Huxley’s shift of tone from disturbing to uncivilization conveys Huxley’s believe that individuality, and family are integral parts of society. 

Granted this the author persuades the reader to think that individuality is disturbing because he uses scenarios that might seem cruel to the human eye. When Huxley states “followed nervously rather than abjectly at the director's heels” (Huxley, 1931, p. 4). What Huxley means by that is that when where are alone, we tend to be more afraid than exited because we know something might happen to us. Take this phrase for example ““now we proceed to rub in the lesson with mild electric shock”” (Huxley, 1931, p. 21). What the reader might get from that is that they are doing something to the baby’s because they are individuals, and the babies tend to be in more danger because they are alone. According to the text “The infants shrank away in horror” (Huxley, 1931, p. 21). This creates a disturbing mood leaving the reader to think what kind of society does that and it leads them to think about the dangers of individuality. That is the tone created to make the reader think that individuality is a big part in this dystopian novel. 

Then, Huxley moves on to family in the story, and family created uncivilized tone. “” Terrified she turned to flee, had tripped, and fallenin the heather” (Huxley, 1931, p. 258). This textual evidence creates a tone that is uncivilized because, keeping in mind that, the world trade center was a very strict place and doing something like that could be dangerous, and it was somehow caused by John “The Savage”. Having a family creates an uncivilized person because John was later called Savage. According to the text “” Kill it, kill it, kill it”....The savage went on shouting” (Huxley, 1931, p. 258). In that text, it shows how John is an uncivilized person due to him having a family, and having a family led him to people calling him a “Savage”. Then he ends the story with John and a suicide. According to the text “Just under the crown of the arch dangles a pair of feet” (Huxley, 1931, p. 258). With that text Huxley creates a tone the makes the reader understand that in Huxley’s world a family is important, but also the fall of civilization. The uncivilized part creates a mood for the story because it is telling the reader an idea of how the story is. 

Being that Huxley then makes a dramatic change in tone that go from disturbing to uncivilized with the events that happen after Bernard goes to the reservation, which is where all the savages live and it is also the uneducated place, and meets savages. According to the text “Not more than half a dozen people in the whole Centre had ever been inside a Savage Reservation” (Huxley, 1931, p. 92). In that quote it shows us that not many people go to the reservation, and that it is that thing that splits education, and savagery. The tone at the end of the novel is the same except that it has a more savage tone because of all the events. 

In conclusion Huxley’s dramatic change in tone emphasizes that individuality, and family is an integral part of society because he went from disturbing to uncivilized dramatically to show the reader the core value in his world, and how the advanced technology from our civilization.

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