Hero in Literature Essay Example

📌Category: Hero, Life, Literature
📌Words: 887
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 23 July 2022

A hero is a person that has a specific ability and well developed characteristics that help them overcome a challenge. Heroes can be led in a variety of intentions, and the outcome benefits others or themselves. The most common traits that a hero possesses is morality, bravery and loyalty. Although these traits are not necessary nor limited, causing heroes to be complex. 

Oftentimes when we picture a hero we imagine a bright red cape, cloaking a strong superhuman. Someone who can spit fire, or use threatening lazer eyes at the common enemy. However, heroes are much more complex than this image. In the book Purple Hibiscus, by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, the protagonist is a young girl named Kabili. She lives in Enugu, Nigeria. Her family is very wealthy, and her papa is heavily involved in politics, manufacturing and the church. To the public eye, papa is a solemn, intelligent man who has a strong faith. Yet at home, papa organizes each minute of his children's lives, beating them severely if they aren't “perfect.” Each time Kabilis mother was pregnant she would get beaten so badly by papa, that a miscarriage occured. On page 286 Kambili gets a call from her mama saying, “it’s your father…they found him lying dead on his desk.” Kabili doesn’t know how to react. She always loved her papa very dearly, yet she feared him even more. On page 290 mama confesses, saying, “I started putting poison in his tea before I came to Nsukka” In this situation mama is the hero. Her intentions were simply to protect her children, and papa's punishment was equal to his wrong doings. This is one of many examples that proves heroes are more complex than the surface level, comic book image. 

The book March, a graphic novel taking place during the civil rights movement, is written by Andrew Aydin and Nate Powell. It illustrates the important activist, John Lewis’ life. Lewis is best known for his lifelong work of encouraging voting registration for black Americans. Lewis resembles the traits of a hero in many ways. He actively participated in the SNCC, or Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. They organized sit-ins at segregated counters, bus boycotts and nonviolent marches. John Lewis was always led with good intentions and strong morals. In book one of March Lewis says, “Fury spends itself pretty quickly when there's no fury facing it.”Meaning we must stand up for what we believe in. We must become the hero and stop the flaming fumes of fury, by taking advantage of what our soul believes is moral and just. 

Odysseus is the legendary Greek king of Ithaca, in the story, The Odyssey. He spends 7 years detained by his mistress, Calypso. Calypso is a sea goddess and lives on the island of Ogygia. Odysseus’ wife, Penelope, and his son, Telemachus, believe he is dead…Forever awaiting his return. Odysseus, regardless of his human-like flaws, has the ability of great intelligence. He can always count on his own intellect to get him out of trouble. For example, during Odysseus and his men's journey, they came across a one-eyed, man-eating giant named Polyphemus. Polyphemus asked Odysseus his name, and ODysseus lied, telling him he is called “Nohbdy.” On page 993 of the Odyssey Odysseus stabs Polyphemus’ one eye, and when Polyphemus call for help he says, “Nohbdy's tricked me! Nohbdy’s ruined me” SO Polyphemus received no help from the other giants. Another heroic trait Odysseus possesses is loyalty. For example, his mistress Calypso promises him immortality if he stays with her, however he reluctantly denies. This sparks his 10 year journey home to his wife, Penelope.

Another loyal hero is Bilbo Baggins, from The Hobbit, by J.R.R Tolkein. He is a small hobbit with a big heart. He is chosen by the wizard to destroy an all powerful ring. The wizard picked Bilbo because his pure heartedness was strong and humble enough to do this near impossible task. Bilbo teaches us that oftentimes in order to achieve greatness, we must leave our comfort zones. Bilbo says, “go back? No good at all! Go sideways? Impossible! Go forward? Only thing to do! On we go!”

Katniss Everdeen, from the Hunger Games, written by Suzanne Collins, is a true hero at heart. She teaches us that bravery is self sacrifice, and led by love. According to The Merriam-Webster Dictionary, Bravery is ¨the quality or state of having or showing mental or moral strength to face danger, fear, or difficulty.¨ Even though this is all true, bravery can be so much more. In Katniss´ dystopian world the government holds an annual ¨Hunger Games.¨ 12 boys and 12 girls are chosen, and must fight until death. When Katniss´ sister is chosen as tribute, Katniss, in the highest form of bravery, says, ´I volunteer as tribute.¨ This heroicness is led by pure love and selfless intentions. Another young, brave and fictional hero is Harry Potter. In the book Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, by JK Rowling, Harry is a wizard whose parents were killed by the most evil wizard of all, Lord Voldemort. Harry countlessly puts his friends' lives first, even if it requires him to risk his own. Harry must fight Lord Voldemoret countless times throughout the series, before one of which he says, ´´I’m going to keep going until I succeed — or until I die.´´

In conclusion a hero is led with a variety of intentions. For example, a mothers love for her children or a nation wide need for justice. Carrying the characteristics of morality, bravery and loyalty, we are forced to leave our comfort zones and become the hero that we oftentimes didn’t know was needed. Heroes oftentimes have a strong trait that sets them apart from the rest, providing them with special opportunities or rewards.

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