Beauty Standards Theme in Thin by Joan Bauer Essay Example

📌Category: Literature
📌Words: 564
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 21 July 2022


Have you ever compared the way you look to others? Or even compare yourself to your friends and family? In the short story, Thin by Joan Bauer, Deenie, the protagonist frequently judges herself based on the high expectations she receives from society. Deenie is obsessed with losing weight and being "perfect" no matter what the circumstances are. Deenie has put herself in danger and lost friends as a result of her obsession. Throughout the story, Deenie allowed her fear of gaining weight to rule her life. This went on until she passed out and went to talk to her therapist. In the story, “Thin” By Joan Bauer, the author shows that beauty standards in society often affect the way that individuals view themselves and those around them.

Even though Deenie has a very fit body, she still considers herself less than perfect. One example the author, Joan Bauer, shows was when Deenie compares herself to other people. “I have to work with heart and courage to fine-tune my body because of the stupefying pressure on females to always, always look great” (Bauer 1). This quote showcases the thought process most individuals go through, seeing the need to be “perfect”. Another example the author shows is, “The mirror being held up today is pretty hard to compete with-all these perfect women on TV, in magazines, on the Internet” (Bauer 1). This is important because this illustrates Deenie’s harsh thoughts and expectations as she thinks about herself and her body. This matters because of unrealistic expectations society sets for individuals. She is perfect as she is but society’s standards block her view from seeing how beautiful she is.

Seeing the harsh beauty standards she expects herself to live up to, Deenie pushes herself to the limit, regardless of her health.“I am moving towards the pain and burn, which is the goal in the war against weight, which is why, and I’ve tried to explain to my mother, I keep going even when it hurts” (Bauer 4). This quote is significant because she keeps going even when it hurts to lose the so-called “weight''. This shows how much society’s standards have taken a toll on her physical health. She doesn’t give herself a break and appreciate the body she has. On page 2, the text states, “There’s simply no excuse to stop moving or exercising as long as you’re awake” (Bauer 2). This means that there’s no excuse to stop moving unless you are asleep. This matters because this shows how much she cares about her weight. She does everything too much which will at one point, break her. 

Furthermore, “‘I’m afraid if I stop, I'll shut down. I’m afraid if I stop, I’ll be like a helium balloon that loses air and just lies on the ground. I’m afraid I won’t be interesting. I’m afraid I’ll get fat…’” (Bauer 7,8). Lastly, This matters because she is comparing herself with her mom…she doesn’t want to be as fat as her. She wants to live up to the expectation of society’s standards.

The story "Thin" by Joan Bauer, illustrates how beauty standards in society frequently influence how people perceive themselves and those around them. Society's influence on the world is a lot. If society told us to love ourselves instead of telling the world to change to fit impossible standards, people wouldn’t compare themselves to others and what they see on TV. This short story demonstrates how much a person is willing to go through in order to achieve physical beauty and fitness. Although many may not recognize the harm caused by comparing oneself to others, everyone should love themselves no matter what the standards are.

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