Respect in Catch Me If You Can by Frank W Abagnale Book Analysis

📌Category: Books, Literature
📌Words: 772
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 09 June 2021

Respect is an important quality to have i’d say because you want to be a respected person and showing respect and dressing respectfully gains you respect from the others around you being a respected person has its benefits in many ways. In the novel you will see frank dress up as a couple different people, all people who are usually well respected. Respect is also important in my everyday life because being respected or feeling respected by the people around us helps us to build a better relationship with the people in that case. Respect isn't something that just comes naturally to anyone, respect is something that you have to earn.

In Frank W Abagnale's novel Catch Me If You Can it teaches us that respect is an important quality to have because If you didn't have respect from others life wouldn't be too easy for you because if you aren't  respected person many people will most likely have a hard time trusting you. 

In catch me If you can, Frank is a respected person throughout most of the book until near the end. With Frank being a respected person that had helped benefit him in many ways with his cons. If Frank had not received the respect he had gained from people I do not think Frank, Would have been able to pull off all the cons and scams he had successfully got away with for a while . This had made Frank a pretty successful con artist Frank had earned and gained lots of people's respect because they had thought he was a very smart young man and because Frank was so highly respected he was able to get away with many things such as posing as a physician,lawyer and teaching assistant.  Frank had a lot of respect from others because of the confidence he held for himself, he was also a very approachable person for the ladies because of how attractive and charming they had all found him.

When Frank had first ever posed as the pilot no one had questioned him because he knew how to dress for the part and kept his confidence up throughout all of his scams. Frank had also looked alot older than most teenagers/young adults did so that had also helped Frank in lots of ways too. With Frank also looking so much older than he actually was, people had not questioned him as much because he didn't look as much like a kid. 

He put out the same respect he wanted for himself, he believed that because he was a pilot he got respect but he wanted more respect so he respected others with the same amount of respect he wanted other people to give him. In my opinion that’s what made Frank such a good con artist Just because you are what people think is a respected person doesn’t mean you get to treat people terribly and not show the same respect being shown to you, because in doing that you lose the respect you once had and you never wanna take advantage or greedy of the trust or respect that someone have shown towards you. 

He put out the same respect he wanted for himself, he believed that because he was a pilot he got respect but he wanted more respect so he respected others with the same amount of respect he wanted other people to give him. In my opinion that’s what made frank such a good con artist. Just because you are what people should respect doesn’t mean you get to treat people terribly, because in doing that you lose.

In my own personal experience I had ended up losing the respect I had for someone. I had lost this respect for this person because I had let them come over to my house many times and I trusted and respected them until they had stolen from me this one night. I had then chosen to try and give him a second chance because I think everyone deserves that, he had then stolen from me for the second time. That was when I had then realized I now no longer can trust them because he had stolen from me again after I had given them that second chance. He had ended up taking advantage of the trust and respect I had always shown towards him. I have now lost the  trust  and the respect I once had for that one person and like I had said you gain respect from showing respect and in that case they had just shown how disrespectful people can really be and how they can take advantage of the chance they were given instead of doing something different to better the situation . I'd also say that it is a lot easier  to  lose the respect and trust someone had for you but not always the easiest to gain back or gain it in the first place. 

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