Self Discovery In The Alchemist

📌Category: Books, Health, Literature, Mental health, The Alchemist
📌Words: 556
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 15 April 2021

Self-discovery represents a crucial step in life to achieve one's purpose. One novel that monumentally represents the challenges of self-discovery is The Alchemist. A story by Paulo Coelho in 1987, that demonstrates the importance of growing from personal experiences and developing a greater sense of life. As an avid reader, it is no surprise Coelho became a writer, admiring interest in traveling and writing since his youth. In The Alchemist, Santiago learns the significance of perseverance and self-discovery to find his Personal Legend after struggling to chase his dreams.

At the beginning of the novel, Santiago, a young shepherd boy, undergoes a dream about searching for a treasure. Therefore, mysterious dreams occur near the Church under the sycamore tree. The young shepherd boy is experiencing many feelings of confusion, so he visits a gypsy woman to find out what this event means. Consequently, the woman directed him to Egypt, meeting other supporters along the way. During the journey, Santiago meets Melchizedek, reportedly the King of Salem. After meeting Melchizedek, he explains to Santiago that he must use the omen rocks, Urim and Thummim, to get closer to his legend. The omens are guides to aid Santiago through his journey. After joining a caravan to travel to the Oasis, Santiago soonly contacted the love of his life. The Alchemist proves Santiago must leave the love of his life to resume his journey to find his legend. Subsequently, Santiago obeys the advice and travels to the pyramids to dig up the treasure until thieves beat and rob him. Moreover, he spotted another sycamore tree, which directs him back to Spain to find his legend.

The Alchemist reveals the struggles of self-discovery and choosing a path to take in life. Melchizedek tells Santiago that a Personal Legend  “ you have always wanted to accomplish” (23). Santiago understood he must find his legend, although he did not know what it could be. The man continued by saying, “ He had to choose between something” (30). The Personal Legend is significant to Santiago’s road to self-discovery. He cannot give up on this experience, yet, he must figure out who he is. Melchizedek tells Santiago the “ universe conspires in helping you to achieve it” (24). Santiago meets many people along the way through his adventure to guide him. Coelho represents this example of self-doubt and discovery.

In their favorable review of the novel, The Guardian claimed that “The Alchemist also supplies the insight and inspiration that extends beyond Santiago’s Sahara and into all life,” and while this statement is accurate about the perception of the characters' existences, it further proves how self-discovery can influence one’s confidence. Santiago struggles with unearthing his treasure throughout the story. As time goes on, he continues searching to understand his legend represents his passion in life. For instance, Melchizedek tells Santiago, “He had to choose between something he had become accustomed to and something he wanted to have” (29). Santiago’s discovery of his legend remains his only priority to find his passion and purpose in life. Without the people he encountered along his journey, he would receive no inspiration to proceed with his travels. As he traveled, he gradually grasped the meaning of his Personal Legend and developed confidence.

During Santiago’s journey to find his Personal Legend, Coelho captures the process of self-discovery and determining one’s purpose in life. At the beginning of the novel, Santiago struggles to fulfill his purpose in life and has scarcely any help. These tremendous feelings of neglect and frustration are universal to all. Coelho invites all readers to join Santiago’s stressful journey in self-discovery and choosing a path in life.

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