Persuasive Essay Example: The Book Lovely Bones Should Definitely Be Read in a Classroom

📌Category: Books, Education, School
📌Words: 505
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 16 July 2022

The book lovely bones should definitely be read in a classroom. This book sheds light on dark subjects that people tend to steer away from. Society is scared of hearing what can happen to you, considering most don't think of anything bad happening until it does. In the book lovely bones it shows a lost family confused on what to do and how to deal with their daughter's death. Without thought, they put their whole life on pause and start to lose themselves because of it. Although the novel opens with a scene of Susie's rape and murder, this novel can also educate students on many subjects. For example, the afterlife, how you need to let go even if it seems impossible, and finally how you can’t trust anyone.

Lovely bones is based on a true story but also has its own twist. The book is told from the little girl Susie's point of view from Heaven. After Susie's death she tells her story from heaven explaining exactly what happened to her. Throughout the book she watches her family down on earth grieve over the tragedy of her brutal murder. Each member deals with grief in different ways. Meanwhile, in heaven, Susie comes to learn that she must disconnect herself from what is going on with the living to move on in her afterlife. Reading this novel opens your eyes to a spiritual life which could interest many students.

Reading Lovely Bones in the classroom could help students understand the meaning of the book. Life must go on, even in the aftermath of tragedy. This book can also help kids who have had a hard time with losing family members. Lovely Bones proves that revolving your whole life around a tragedy instead of trying to move on can hurt yourself, but also the people around you. Susie's death splits her family apart, it makes them completely lose focus on everything around them. Susie’s parents begin to forget that they had two other children to take care of. For a year straight Susie's family begins to wither away. Susie's Mother leaves their family completely, to Susie's sister attempting to bring the killer to justice. Susie's father puts his life on hold trying to find out what happened to his daughter, and it drives him crazy. Reading this novel shows what can happen to families that go through losing  someone. It teaches you what can happen if you don't move on, you can lose yourself as well.

To Continue, Lovely bones can also teach kids in our school to be more cautious, and not trust anyone. Even though this is definitely easier said than done, this book displays what can happen in many situations. Someone you may have known your whole life, or thought you could have trusted could be the reason for your downfall. Many children our age trust very, if we read this book it would be a prime example of what can happen to you if you are not careful.

In conclusion, lovely bones is a good story to read throughout the classrooms at our school. This book could definitely teach many students our age about the afterlife, how you need to let go even if it seems impossible, and finally how you can’t trust anyone.

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