Role of Libraries in Society Essay Example

📌Category: Books, Literature, Science, Technology
📌Words: 613
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 02 June 2021

Society is becoming more and more digitalized by the day. As technology advances the traditional aspects of society are becoming more and more uncommon. Libraries have been around for centuries. They are a place that people can go not only for educational benefits but comfort too. Although many may argue that with our technologies libraries are’t useful anymore, libraries still serve vital roles in society. 

Libraries are the best source to find all your useful information. Source A explains that, “If a free society is to survive, it must ensure the preservation of its records and provide free and open access to this information to all its citizens.” Libraries are sources of historical information that has been around for centuries. The general public is able to access this information for free and anytime they need. In order for our society to stay free, we need to be able to read about the past, and not make those same mistakes again. They are informal education centers, where a student can go to learn about what has happened to lead our country into the democracy we are today. It allows freedom of expression, because students are able to read what they want and have an opinion on it. They can express themselves through the books that they read.

Libraries aren’t only used to provide us with valuable information, they can also be a place to go and enjoy yourself. Source B shows that libraries don’t just have to be used for work or educational purposes. The schedule shows workout classes, storytime sessions, as well as different programs for people of all ages. There is this false stereotype that libraries are boring, that they are just places to go and do your latest history project or english essay, but they are much more. Libraries are able to be homes to many social events too. By having events, such as pilates and family dance parties, the community is able to interact with one another. New relationships can be formed, and new excitement can be seen throughout the community.

Libraries also provide many with access to the internet. As stated in Source B, “for 22% of library computer users, the library was their only source for access to computers and the internet.” Libraries are used by those who aren’t able to afford the internet. Those who don’t have the same opportunities are able to go and use the internet at their local public library. Without libraries this 22% wouldn’t have any access to online resources. During this era, most people need access to the internet, whether it be for recreational or educational purposes. By taking away these libraries how will those unable to access it be able to do school work, or connect with their friends. Additionally, if libraries are taken away, how will people be able to read? Not everyone is able to have access to ebooks. Studies show, according to Source A, “people less likely to use ebooks include hispanics, those without a highschool diploma, the unemployed, rural americans, and those with a household income of less than $30,000.” Books are supposed to be a fun and easy source of  entertainment. If one cannot have access to books they may not be able to read at all. Public libraries are free to the community, but ebooks usually have to be bought online. Someone who is not doing very well financially is not going to be able to have that source of entertainment if the libraries are taken away.

Many may argue that libraries have no use in our society, but they provide many educational, societal, and social opportunities. Without libraries, many of those are going to struggle dealing with the loss of those opportunities provided. If libraries are able to benefit the community and society as a whole there is no reason that they should be taken away. As our world begins to advance we have to remember that libraries are able to come along for the journey.

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