The Problem of Bullying in School Essay Example

📌Category: Bullying, Education, Health, Mental health, School, Social Issues
📌Words: 768
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 06 June 2021

Children in school every day are getting bullied and mistreated by peers around them. These kids go through not only a lot of mental issues but also many physical ones. Bullying can happen at any time for any child. The main age group for children who get bullied is anywhere from the age of 6-11. This is what researchers call the “prime time” of bullying. Kids are growing and now quite knowing what is going on with their bodies yet. In this age range that is the most important time in a child's development. If a child is getting bullied it will affect their schooling and how they participate and act. It damages their ability to trust many people if anyone they meet. Lastly, bullying can lead children to do acts to themself that can not only harm them but take their lives. 

Bullying in School: 

Children who are getting bullied in school are becoming more distant and not wanting to participate in school activities, making the children not have an enjoyable time. They are also more likely to have many physical and mental issues, and it can lead to addiction to drugs and related issues. Bullying and school-related stress are linked with anxiety, depression symptoms, body imaging issues, and they are small to moderate effect sizes. (Ringdal, 2019) Bullying not only affects your mental health but also affects your grades and performance in school. According to (Gomes, 2020) Victims revealed worse school results through worse classroom behavior (specifically, excessive motor activity). Aggressor presented worse school results through worse classroom behavior (specifically, opposition behavior, excessive motor activity, and hyperactivity).

Trust Issues with Bullying:

Being a child who has gotten bullied causes you to develop trust issues. Which is not healthy for the person or anyone that they meet. With trust issues, it is hard for you to be able to open up because you think that the people closest to you will turn against you. Trust is something that children learn at a young age, so, when a child has bullied the aftermath of bullying for young adults in terms of their health, mental health, and relationship issues (DeLaura, 2019)

Content analysis revealed lasting consequences in (a) mental and psychological well-being (b) eating disorders, weight, and body image, and (c) relationship and trust issues. (DeLaura,2019) There are still a lot of studies going on about what bullying does to young adolescents and why they cannot trust people when it happens. 

Bulling and suicide rates:

Bullying is something that could get so bad it could lead to adolescents hurting themselves so much that they want to hurt themself in a worse way. In studies, they found that 17% of the 1,633 adolescents examined reported experiencing suicidal thoughts and about 21% of the 1,633 adolescents attempted suicide at some point during the past year. (Phillip,2019) This was all done to not wanting to have to deal with bullying anymore or they were bullied so bad they would rather take their life. In a recent study, they have found out that factors such as loneliness, anxiety, and use of illicit substances were positively associated with suicidal behaviors, participating in physical activity, having friends, and parental support reduced the likelihood of experiencing suicidal ideation. (Phillip, 2019) Children who do not have a support system think that taking their life is truly the best option that they have to make the pain stop.


In conclusion, bullying is something that will make a child not want to participate in school, want to be alone, not want to socialize or hang out with friends, and so many worse things. Bullying is something that if not stopped fast enough can take a child’s life. The effects of being bullied can really affect children for the rest of their life. Their mental health and physical health. This can result in years of getting help to make those issues go away. Kids will have a hard time trusting because anyone who they come in contact with will do them wrong and that will cause issues in relationships and opening up to someone. Lastly, if bad enough kids will want to not deal with the pain anymore causing them to want to not be alive anymore.


Baiden, P., Kuuire, V. Z., Shrestha, N., Tonui, B. C., Dako-Gyeke, M., & Peters, K. K. (2019). Bullying Victimization as a Predictor of Suicidal Ideation and Suicide Attempt among Senior High School Students in Ghana: Results from the 2012 Ghana Global School-Based Health Survey. Journal of School Violence, 18(2), 300–317.

deLaura, E. W. (2019). Consequences of Childhood Bullying on Mental Health and Relationships for Young Adults. Journal of Child & Family Studies, 28(9), 2379–2389.

Gomes, A. M., Martins, M. C., Farinha, M., Silva, B., Ferreira, E., Caldas, A. C., & Brandão, T. (2020). Bullying’s Negative Effect on Academic Achievement. International Journal of Educational Psychology, 9(3), 243–268.

Ringdal, R., Espnes, G. A., Eilertsen, M.-E. B., BjØrnsen, H. N., & Moksnes, U. K. (2020). Social support, bullying, school-related stress and mental health in adolescence. Nordic Psychology, 72(4), 313–330.

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