Symbolism in Of Mice and Men Essay Example

📌Category: Books, Of Mice and Men, Steinbeck
📌Words: 591
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 19 July 2022

According to the wise powers up above, defines the word “Symbol” as “something used for or regarded as representing something else; a material object representing something, often something immaterial; emblem, token, or sign.” I think a symbol is so much more than that, one symbol can change the world or the way people look at their lives. In the book “Of Mice and Men”, there are many symbols that are used throughout the novel. 3 uses of symbolism in this novel are Lennie carrying mice around in his pocket, George and Lennie’s dream of owning a farm, and Candy’s dog. 

The first example of symbolism from “Of Mice and Men” that I would like to elaborate on is the symbolism that is shown when Lennie is carrying a mouse for him to comb while he and Lennie are walking. This is the perfect example of symbolism because Lennie is unaware of his own strength, he strokes the mouse in his pocket, trying to console himself when things in his life are uncertain, he uses the mice in his pocket as a coping mechanism. One thing that was certain, is that Lennie was not aware of his own strength, he would always be stroking the mice and would crush the mice, and never understand why they would always die. Lennie never quite understood what he was doing, so when he would kill one mouse, he would keep stroking it, not understanding that the demise of the mouse was his own fault after not being aware of his own strength. 

The second example of symbolism from “Of Mice and Men '' that I would like to elaborate on is the symbolism that is George and Lennie's dream of owning a farm. Throughout the novel, George displays that he is more than just a friend to Lennie, he has become more of a father figure to him, after the request of Lennie’s aunt. When times were dark and they had to flee their home, one thing that always gave them a sense of hope was knowing that one day, they would own their own farm, and Lennie especially found excitement in knowing that one day he will have rabbits, which are stronger than the mice and he will be able to stroke them without the lurking fear that he will kill it. This is an insignia for hope, showing that even in the darkest times, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel, even if it is barely visible, or occasionally, even a little bit dim. 

The final example of symbolism from “Of Mice and Men” that I would like to elaborate on is the symbolism that is shown through Candy’s dog. This is demonstrated that when candy’s dog can no longer serve its purpose, they determine to kill it, rather than care for it. Later in the novel, Lennie meets the same fate. After he extinguishes Curley's wife, and her body is discovered, they understand exactly who to blame, so they go on a manhunt. Before he is found by the angry men, George finds Lennie in the same place that the book began. George asks Lennie about that dream they had so that when he had to pull the trigger, Lennie will never know what happened, because he passed away while he was happy. This is a symbol of violence, that rather than saving Lennie and Curley's dog, they would rather extinguish them than give them a second chance at a new branch in their lives. 

In Conclusion, there are many examples of symbolism throughout the novel, many more examples throughout the novel. 3 uses of symbolism in this novel that I chose to expand upon are Lennie carrying mice around in his pocket, George and Lennie’s dream of owning a farm, and Candy’s dog.

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