Volunteering in Schools Essay Example

📌Category: Education, School
📌Words: 751
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 05 August 2022

How do you feel about middle schoolers starting to do volunteer hours? If the school district decides this is okay to do, this may cause some good results.Although students can get stressed out from more work to do, students can use these hours to help people while doing something they love, middle School students should be required to volunteer because it can teach responsibility ,teach them valuable life lessons, and can be a fun experience. 

To begin with, the first reason we should allow volunteer hours is because it can teach responsibility. One piece of evidence is from source two, ¨There is also a sense of social responsibility that is gained from community service projects.¨. This piece of evidence provides an example of a type of responsibility. Another piece of evidence is from source two,¨Students benefit from exposure to diversity and become more socially and personally responsible when they are involved in community service¨. This is an important piece of evidence because  it explains how these types of responsibilities are good for students. One last piece of evidence is from source two, ¨Students who learn to give back to their community may feel compelled to continue their project even after they graduate from high school.¨ This is a valuable piece of information because it turns these responsibilities into good, healthy habits.Therefore, responsibility is an important quality young students can learn from volunteer hours, if it was allowed in school that is.

Further along, the second reason that we should allow volunteer hours is because it can teach important life lessons. One example of this is from source two, ¨A student who chooses to work with the elderly will gain invaluable life lessons that are learned from sharing time with older generations¨. This piece of information is important because it gives an example of an important life lesson. Another piece of evidence is from source two, ¨a student who works with someone who is economically less fortunate will gain a better understanding of what it's like to live in poverty.¨ This is an important piece of information because it also gives an example of an important life lesson. One last piece of evidence is from source two, ¨students who make a commitment to volunteering in their community will gain exposure to people from different cultures, backgrounds and ages.. This is an important piece of information because it gives examples of  important life lessons they can learn depending on what they do. Younger generations such as middle school students can use the life lessons they learn in volunteer hours in their future, when it's allowed for those students. 

Chugging along, one last reason volunteer hours should be allowed is because it can be a fun experience. One piece of evidence is from source four, ¨For every garden plot, there’s a neighbor bursting with pride about what has been produced or eagerness about what will be.¨. This is an important detail because people love to work together to see what amazing results they will achieve. Another piece of evidence is from source four,  ¨Walking along our streets these days makes me smile. ¨. This is an important piece of information because it proves When you feel happy when doing community service, it is fun to participate more often. One last piece of evidence is from source four,  ¨We’ve been sharing food among neighbors on the block. ¨. This is an important piece of information because it proves that It is fun to do things for others, helping people benefits both people. So, Volunteer hours can be exciting, and if you love what you do then it will put you in a great mood regularly , but this would only be if it was required for middle school students.

Finishing off, although students can get stressed out from more work, students can use these hours to their advantage by helping people while doing something they love. Middle school students should be required to volunteer because it can teach responsibility,teach them valuable life lessons, and can be a fun experience. Also, this is important because if we can teach young students responsibility they will end up exceeding in all of their future classes. So, if you agree Finishing off, although students can get stressed out from more work, students can use these hours to their advantage by helping people while doing something they love. Middle school students should be required to volunteer because it can teach responsibility,teach them valuable life lessons, and can be a fun experience. Also, this is important because if we can teach young students responsibility they will end up exceeding in all of their future classes. So, if you agree with this idea people should try and bring this to the attention of the school board more often, and each time bring more and more evidence on how it improves middle schooler’s lives.

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