Admission Essay Sample: The Hun School of Princeton

📌Category: Education, Higher Education
📌Words: 556
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 17 July 2022

I chose The Hun School of Princeton because, from my point of view, it’s a sensational high school with even more sensational opportunities. They also have numerous clubs that I would be interested in joining. I imagine my first day at high school as an amusing adventure. I will enjoy getting to meet my teachers, classmates, and my roommate. I also want to get used to campus, especially the Education Center and Eco Pond, Weiss STEM Center, and Breen Family Theater. Although there are many places to study peacefully on campus, I would choose The Weiss STEM Center because it a new and modern and it is outside.

Classes are extremely important. It’s part of a chain reaction to success. The Hun School of Princeton offers numerous classes, which give the students options and help them build an academic foundation. These classes are one of a kind because they are led by spectacular teachers that have sophisticated methods of teaching.  My favorite subject is mathematics, and even though it gets harder in high school, I think it will continue to be my favorite subject. Classes at The Hun School of Princeton offer students the opportunity to learn at a whole, new, and different level. It takes a step into advanced education.

The Hun School of Princeton has a ginormous campus. This is a spectacular feature of The Hun School of Princeton because there are so many places to study and hang out with some of your new friends. The Hun School of Princeton campus consists of many buildings and sports courts such as Russell Hall, Wilf Family Global Commons, and the Natale Family Athletic Field. I think the Weiss Center would be my favorite part of campus because, on the warm days, I could go outside and study. Either to finish an assignment with a classmate, talk to some friends, or do my homework, I would choose to do so at the new Weiss Center. Although classes are the most important, being a part of a club also has many benefits. These benefits help you get involved in numerous activities both in and outside of school. It is important to balance your school work and your extracurriculars. Clubs, just like classes, offer many options. The clubs offered that I would be interested in are Debate Club, Curiosity Club, HUN TV Reporters Club, Model UN, Model Congress, Poetry Club, Prom Committee, Photography Club, Fashion Club, Community Club, Alzheimer's Awareness Club, along with the Gender Equality Matters, Society of Female Empowerment, and the student newspaper named The Mall. Another benefit of being involved in a club are the opportunities offered inside the clubs. Along with opportunities offered outside school, it is a way to develop team skills along with making new friends.

Dormitories, also known as dorms, are where boarding students have the marvelous pleasure of sleeping at The Hun School of Princeton. Once you get used to your dorm, they become a second home. Dorms are also another spectacular way to make new friends. Dorms in high school are a lesson for college preparation. Dorms can be very terrifying at the beginning, but every step of the way someone is there to support you with any of your needs. Your roommate might become your best friend at The Hun School of Princeton. A dorm is your space on campus where you can talk with your roommate. The best thing about having a dorm is getting to decorate it. On my first day of school, I imagine myself having the experience of a lifetime enjoying classes, clubs, campus, decorating my dorm, and making new friends.

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