Admission Essay Sample: University of Northwestern Ohio

📌Category: Education, Higher Education
📌Words: 382
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 17 July 2022

The University of Northwestern Ohio, ranked among the top USA Automotive schools worldwide, has been a decision I’ve had to consider when choosing a college. Its high standards for its students satisfied me when I noticed each student's job opportunities from businesses. With my passion for being an Automotive Technician, the University of Northwestern Ohio has the best program to enter to learn hands-on experience and become ASE certified. Knowing brakes, transmissions, and diagnosing engine problems on different vehicles will prepare me for the field. 

College was never a goal that I set going into my high school career. When I was introduced to the University of Northwestern Ohio, it gave me an idea of why college may be a good choice for a few years. I believe that students don’t need a four-year college degree to succeed. The Automotive program consisted of two years, allowing me to earn an Associate degree. The University of Northwestern Ohio demonstrated that most of its education is hands-on and not sitting at a desk. 

In addition to the program, I am intrigued by the diverse group of people attending the university. It is not easy to fit in with Americans as Asian-Americans because of our race. I know from personal experience that for others to respect us, we need to respect them. More Asians attending a university will make other diverse groups feel supportive. The automotive program will be incredible, with more diverse students attending the program. 

In addition, I become more engaged with my classmates because I work with them when I attend school. Learning at the University of Northwestern Ohio will enable me to communicate automotive news with my peers and have their opinion on each subject. Social skills are a value most human beings don't possess nowadays because of social media. For me, attending a university with hands-on learning will improve my social skills. 

 In our free time, students will get the chance to relax and bond with classmates and friends in events like the Racers Station. A fun, relaxing area within the university will benefit me by improving my social skills, listening to other people’s issues, and working with my classmates. With students’ acceptance worldwide, the University of Northwestern Ohio seemed to be the best place to earn a degree. If I get accepted to the University of Northwestern Ohio and earn my ASE certifications, I will be equipped with the necessary skills and experience to open and run my own Auto-Service business.

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