Mandatory School Vaccinations Essay Example

📌Category: Coronavirus, Education, School, Vaccination
📌Words: 323
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 15 April 2021

There is talk about a mandate that public schools are required to have you vaccinated before you can go back to school. Should schools be allowed to mandate all students to get vaccinated before they can attend school? They should not mandate vaccines to attend public schools. It will not be beneficial.

The cases of covid 19 stay at a steady rate even after the vaccine was released. (Google News) Even after the release of the vaccine the number of cases barely change. The last release number of cases for the US was 26,472,780 and keeps going up at a rate of +114,173. The number of cases in the US continues to go up. The cases of covid 19 stay at a study rate even after the vaccine was released.

The vaccine will not be effective on new covid strains. The vaccine targets a single covid strain, not all covid strains. The vaccine is not scientifically proven. The covid vaccine doesn’t follow the scientific method. The vaccine will not be effective on new covid strains.

Schools can not mandate the vaccine. “Most notably, 48 out of 50 states have exempted those whose religious beliefs forbid vaccination.” (J Law Med Ethics. 2002 Fal)  For religious reasons, the state decides and it can’t be forced on.  “Vaccination requirements and allowable exemptions may vary by state... public health officials may update and change requirements regularly.” (CDC) State and public health officials update and change requirements. Schools can’t mandate the covid vaccine.

Schools can mandate the covid vaccine. You can be exempt from vaccinations. They can not go against religious exemptions. “Most notably, 48 out of 50 states have exempted those whose religious beliefs forbid vaccination.” (J Law Med Ethics. 2002 Fal) They can’t force the mandate. “Vaccination requirements and allowable exemptions may vary by state... public health officials may update and change requirements regularly.” (CDC) Schools can’t mandate the covid vaccine.

The schools can’t mandate because of it’s a state decision, and religious exemptions. Religious exception, state decisions. Schools are not allowed to mandate covid vaccines. The state decides mandate and religious excemption can not be denied.

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