Essay Sample on Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Education

📌Category: Education, Learning
📌Words: 407
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 15 July 2022

Due to the pandemic covid 19, a lot of students all around the world have to convert into online learning. Some people find it more effective to study online while some people disagree with this statement. In my point of view, online learning has its own positive and negative aspects. Some of the most significant advantages and disadvantages of online education will be mentioned in the following essay. 

Having an online course can bring numerable  numerous benefits.To begin with,  online classes can cut down major expenses which can help the students who have low economic situations lessen their burden. Therefore, they can focus more on their studies and have better performance. Moreover, learning online also creates a comfortable environment and flexible schedule.( By having   the  comfort of their own home, students can study more effectively.) ->  The more comfort of their own home, the more effective learning they get. It also allows students to learn with their suitable self-paced. Furthermore, a flexible schedule can help them to balance work, life and school. Therefore, they can learn how to manage time budgets as well, which is really essential for their future life. Besides that in order to have a smooth online lesson or to finish all the assignments online, students will have to learn a lot of IT skills and in this technology era, technical skills are always required. 

However, studying online also has multiple limitations and drawbacks. While learning online students may feel unable to focus on the screen. By feeling too comfortable due to the fact that they are at home, students will easily tune out. Students will be capable of being distracted by various factors such as their smartphone, loud noise or even because of themselves. In addition, an online lecture also can be interrupted by different reasons like unstable internet connection, or worse is power cut. This These occurrences will disturb the learning process of the students and bring countless disastrous consequences to their future. Last but not least, isolation is an unavoidable element when you study online  of online study . Since students do not have a chance to interact with other people, they perhaps lose their competent to communicate. Additionally, it will cut down the interactions between students and teachers as well.

In the century that people are more and more far apart from each other, and studying online even makes it worse. It raises a red flag for all the people worldwide. Personally, schools are always the most suitable environment to study.  I hope that the pandemic will soon end so the students have a chance to go back to school.

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