Admission Essay Sample: Sam Houston State University

📌Category: Education, Higher Education
📌Words: 487
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 18 July 2022

Attending Sam Houston University has always been a goal I have. I fell in love with the campus and have been influenced by so many alumni. I know that with the help of Sam Houston University I could become a better person and use the skills they teach to inspire others and make the world a better place.  I have struggled at times but I know where I am meant to be.                                 

I have always wanted to be a teacher from as early as elementary school. I have had so many great teachers in my life that have inspired me and helped me get better through hard times. I feel the best way to show my gratitude is to pay it forward and use the knowledge they gave me to inspire others as an educator. In my four years of high school, the best teacher I have had was my algebra teacher Mr.Romero; he saw I struggled with Algebra. He was patient with me and showed me the best techniques. Mr.Romero saw my full potential and gave me the opportunity to take geometry early so I could graduate High School with five math credits. He gave me confidence not only academically but as a person to be better.

In the seventh grade, my uncle who graduated from Sam Houston took me on a tour of Texas colleges and instantly fell in love with the Sam Houston campus.  I even bought a sign that is hung up above my front door that I look at when I need the motivation to keep going. Attending Sam Houston has since then been my goal.

When school started again after the Covid shutdown I started my year online and my mental health was severely impacted. Not being in a classroom to do schoolwork or ask my teachers questions left me unprepared and feeling helpless. I did my best to make school my priority. Even though I was overwhelmed, I worked with my family, my teachers, and my counselor to catch up and make sure I successfully completed my junior year. After going through online school, I do feel better much better prepared for any more academic obstacles.

On top of trying to get through online school, I worked hard to help my family. My mom is a single mom and domestic violence survivor. She does everything she can to support me and my sister by working two jobs and still taking the time to spend time with us. To help my mom support my sister I worked many hours at my job to save up for a car and help buy things my sister needed and make sure would have transportation for tutorials and extracurriculars. 

I am passionate about attending Sam Houston State University because of the reputation of their alumni.  Many people I admire; my uncle, my grandfather, and Mr. Romero are all graduates of Sam Houston and have made a profound impact on the world around them. A reputation that I want to earn and I know that with the help of Sam Houston State University, I too can make that impact for the better.

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