Cyberbullying Prevention in Schools Essay Example

📌Category: Bullying, Education, School, Social Issues
📌Words: 657
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 06 August 2022

In society, students with technology are victims of cyberbullying. Health problems like depression and social anxiety are long-lasting effects of cyberbullying. However, online harassment can be prevented with the help of teachers, parents, and students. Cyberbullying could be counteracted by educating young kids about cyberbullying, reporting the bullying, and defending the victims. 

Teachers and parents should educate children on dealing with cyberbullying and setting proper rules for technology use. Having children understand the online world can prevent serious damage to be caused and encourages children to not have oppressive behavior. In addition, being a victim of cyberbullying is not an individual's fault besides the bully’s. There is no reason for a person to have to put up with the bullying, “don’t make a bullying incident worse by dwelling on it or reading cyberbullying messages over and over,” (help guide). Students who are experiencing online bullying tend to reread the foul messages which lead them to feel unsure about themselves. Instead of rereading, students should be taught to use other methods to cope. In most cases, setting proper technology etiquette can prevent children from encouraging or getting involved in bullying. Parents should, “encourage children not to “like,” share, or comment on information that has been posted about something, and do not forward a hurtful text to others,” (stop bullying from establishing rules). Many children that are underage with social media would be inclined to follow the flow of what others do. When taught and encouraged to act a certain way in certain situations, pupils can stop themselves from becoming another victim of cyber harassment. Children should be taught about proper online etiquette, and to be respectful to everyone online and in person.

If students and parents understand the process of reporting, the victim can be protected from ongoing bullying online. In most cases, cyberbullying overlaps with harassment, and with accurate evidence, the bully could get in trouble. According to federal laws, bullying overlaps with discriminatory harassment when it is based on race, national origin, disability, or religion, then federally-funded schools have the obligation to resolve harassment on these bases (stop bullying). The staff at schools need to step in to take immediate actions of any type that is counted as harassment, and that counteracts continuous bullying because actions were taken. Additionally, if cyberbullying doesn’t follow feudal civil laws, individuals can report or block the bully to the website. For example, through websites or social media platforms, the person is able to contact the site and let the administrators know about the bullying, and since bullying goes against the terms of services it can get the person to be kicked out or banned (accredits schools online). When administrators take action and ban or kick to bully, harassment from the individual would pause, and with support from others, the bully would temporarily be banned.  

Students are alone in a situation of cyberbullying, they should stand up and take action against the bullying by becoming an upstander with the support of programs and by telling a trusted adult. Anyone can become an upstander to cyberbullying and get involved by getting together to share ideas for cyberbullying prevention. Students and teachers can create prevention programs and voice programs to talk about experiences of cyberbullying, share ideas to prevent further bullying from happening, and write a blog on a website to inform others about cyberbullying and its effects (stop bullying). Prevention programs would be gathered with supporters of anti-cyberbullying, and as a group to go against bullying can change and gain more support. It’s a great way to find more about counteracting bullying. In addition having a trusted adult, from home or at school, by the children’s side can help and contribute to the process to stop the bullying. Students need to know “that they don’t have to suffer through cyberbullying in silence” (accredits schools online) They should let an adult know about it immediately. Especially because they could be emotional supporters to help control the bullying. 

Cyberbullying should and can be prevented in many ways, including parents and teachers instructing children on the effects and what cyberbullying is, reporting the bully, and taking a stand against the bully. With the help of teachers, parents, and students bullying can stop temporarily, and with support from others, victims could be able to feel safe.

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