Essay Sample about Terrorism

📌Category: Social Issues, Terrorism
📌Words: 410
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 30 July 2022

Terrorism is, by any definition of the word, the use or threat of violence against individuals. These acts are based on one’s opinion about sexuality, gender, race, religion etc. It takes a huge part in history and exists all over the globe. 

Even though there are many perspectives and theories, the very first group of terrorists has been tracked back to the time of the Roman Empire. Here existed an extremist group known as “Sicarii”, (meaning dagger men in Latin), referring to their usage of knifes. Sicarii’s attacks would mainly be them hiding small and sharp knifes under their cloaks, and then disappearing into a crowd to discretely stab their victims from behind. 

A little later in the 13th century, a Muslim group called the “Hashashin” decided to use the same technique as Sicarii and attempted many successful murders on their enemies. Different from Sicarii, they planned their attacks carefully and would only send one of the members to finish the job. Hashashin later inspired the word assassin. 

During the 17th and 18th centuries, terror was used mainly in war. Although, it didn’t completely match modern terrorism, as we know it today. Now, terrorists usually attack the government seeking a political change, but at that time politics did not really exist. Here, people lived in Kingdoms and Principalities. Ethnical conflicts would be solved in open war between the groups involved. Later in history, when society and ruling changed, terrorism took a different turn and evolved into what we know today. Some say that modern terrorism probably started around 1968.

Terrorism comes in many forms but can be sorted into three main categories.

  • Revolutionary:

Revolutionary terrorism is arguably the most common form. Here, the attacker wishes a complete abomination of the political system and is not afraid to involve violence. 

  • Subrevolutionary:

Subrevolutionary terrorism is a bit less intense than revolutionary. Here, the attacker does not wish to change the system, but to modify it, and will hold back with using physical oppression.

  • Establishment:

Establishment terrorism, often called state or state- sponsored terrorism, is in short terms terrorists employed by the government, or more often factions within the government, and is against the citizens, other factions, or foreign governments. These attacks can be very hard to identify.

In conclusion, terrorism has evolved much over the years, but nonetheless it is still just as big of a threat as it was in history. In my opinion, it is one of the most threatening types of violence. We need to be aware of this problem, and the danger that comes with it. This issue has existed for centuries, and it is our responsibility to end it.

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