Essay Sample about Women's Rights

đź“ŚCategory: Social Issues, Women's Rights
đź“ŚWords: 298
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 07 August 2022

Allow me to explain how women are portrayed in movies. Imagine this: The zombie apocalypse has arrived. Everyone is terrified and flees. Fear grips a woman as she cowers behind a dumpster. She's frail and weak, and she'll probably die within the next five minutes. The zombies pursue her, but the mighty and ever-so-strong man steps in. He brute-forces his way to victory, carrying the woman with his pinky.

Do you see how stereotypical we've made women in society?

To this day, women are still denied equal rights and are regarded as inferior. They have been reduced to simple housewives or daughters to be married off to men chosen by their parents. They are expected to disregard their careers and ambitions for marriage and motherhood. They have been long since  denied education because they were expected to stay at home and not undertake "hard labor."

Feminism refers to the advocacy of women's rights on the basis of the equality of sexes that will put an end to sexism, discrimination, and oppression.  Almost everywhere, we witness women being looked down on because of their gender. We don't even have to look very far. In the Philippines, most statistical assessments show that women are paid less income compared to men. Female-dominated professions are underpaid. Top job spots are almost always given to men. I mean, I could go on and on.

Dismantling such gender oppression against women results in a society that promotes equality and fairness. Women would have the opportunity for better education and leadership positions that men have long held.

Despite decades of struggle to eradicate inequality, gender-based discrimination and violence persist, and many laws continue to disadvantage women. Through the help of  digital platforms, we can raise awareness, conduct violence prevention programs, show our support for one another, and raise our voices for justice. Educate future generations about women's rights and help women regain the power and respect that was taken from them.

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