Scholarship Essay Example

📌Category: Education, Scholarship
📌Words: 464
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 08 August 2022

As a member of the optimistic new generation of the twenty-first century, I am a 17-year-old student hoping to study and experience as much as possible. One of my biggest inspirations is to put in long hours and go for my goals every day.

For me, studying in the United Kingdom is more than just a way to see different cultures and broaden my horizons for future employment. From an early age,  I have always understood the importance of education and how it may help me accomplish my ambitions. As a result, my academic goals include improving strengths and weaknesses to come up with the best solutions to the problems I encounter. For example, when I was in high school in Vietnam, my favorite subject was literature, and the subject I found the most difficult to study was Math. However, instead of hiding from Math, I chose to face it, overcome my anxiety, and spend more time with that subject. Consequently, I was in the top 3 in my class who had the highest Math score and achieved the highest GPA of 9.6 in my year. Furthermore, by learning how to harmonize science and society subjects, I can practice creative thinking and have a soaring soul that loves art.

I am passionate about the Fashion field. In my opinion, fashion is a harmonious combination of science and art, expressed through creativity in design and precise measurement for each garment. Before being professionally educated in fashion, I pursued my passion by participating in school fashion shows, in which I wrote the script and provided ideas. In the future, I want to have my fashion brand. I want to create products that combine traditional Vietnamese clothes with modern fashion to promote Vietnamese clothes internationally.

In addition to studying, I attempt to improve myself as much as possible. That is also what inspires me to participate in extracurricular activities and establish my Literature project. For me, literature is the way humans interact with one another. It is how earlier generations have conveyed their understanding of historical events. Literature also assists us in acquiring language and communication abilities.

Participating in extracurricular activities allows me to develop leadership and communication skills that will be useful in the future. In addition, it taught me how to enjoy life to the fullest with my youth and with others around me. In the next few years, I plan to create some Fashion projects for the environment to pursue my passion and reduce environmental pollution.

Based on my value, passion, and aspirations for the future, I would like to apply for Brockenhurst College's Scholarship to have an opportunity to study in the UK. It not only helps me financially but also motivates me to push myself academically. Besides, with the knowledge learned at school, I can improve myself comprehensively, and from my personal development, I can do my best to develop the community. Finally, the school's scholarship can help me step by step realize my long-cherished dream of becoming a businesswoman in the fashion industry.

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