Should To Kill A Mockingbird Be Taught In Schools Persuasive Essay Sample

📌Category: Books, Education, School, To Kill A Mockingbird
📌Words: 766
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 23 July 2022

Harper Lee’s “To Kill a Mockingbird” is a novel that is told from the perspective of Scout (Jean Louise) Finch, a smart, honest, and brave little girl. We read as Scout ages from six to nine years old. During this time, the novel teaches readers many lessons about racism, honesty, bravery, and how to treat others with respect. Despite these lessons, the book is controversial and some argue that schools should remove this book from the school curriculum. Critics question the efficiency and morality of this novel. “To Kill a Mockingbird” should remain in schools because it teaches students about the effects of racism and because the novel explores important topics such as empathy and prejudice.

One reason why “To Kill a Mockingbird should remain in the school curriculum is because it shows students the effects of racism. During Tom's trial in the novel, it is exhibited how the racially biased criminal justice system affects Tom’s sentence. This “explains to readers who don't understand… why black people are afraid of the criminal justice system” (Randall). The jury of this trial was made up of white, mostly racist, men so even though Atticus defends Tom exceedingly well, in the end, the system fails Tom and he is found guilty. This event is what ultimately leads to the death of Tom Robinson, an innocent man who deserved better. “To Kill a Mockingbird” also displays themes of racial discrimination, and even more complex topics like the unjust murder of a black person. Racial discrimination and segregation are displayed in the courthouse scene when it is revealed that the black citizens of Maycomb have to sit on a separate balcony. Black people also have to attend a different church that is used by white men on weekdays as a gambling hall. When the mob arrives at Tom Robinson's jail cell they have intentions of murdering Tom before he can even try to win in court, although this attempt is stopped it still reflects on the racism this book portrays. All of these events in the book are effects of racism and they show why “To Kill a Mockingbird” should still be read in schools because students need to see the realities of racism. This way students learn how harmful racial discrimination is and the pain it causes black people. These complex topics should be explored in a classroom environment so effective teaching can help students to grow as people and to take away the core messages of this book. This way students can apply these new ideas to better society and to help make a positive impact on their community.

Furthermore, “To Kill a Mockingbird” should be read in schools because it teaches students important lessons about empathy and prejudice. These morals are often being taught to Scout and Jem throughout the novel by Atticus. One lesson he teaches Scout is that “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view- until you climb up into his skin and walk around in it” (Lee 26). Students should take away from this quote that you should not allow, or participate in, acts of prejudice, and that students should have empathy towards others. As Atticus tells Scout, students should put themselves into the shoes of people they may not understand clearly. Teaching these morals is important if schools want to develop a better community, and to help students grow as they prepare for the future and become better people. Because of the positive impact that learning these morals have on students, schools should continue to read “To Kill a Mockingbird.” 

Despite the great themes and messages of this book, critics often argue that “‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ is not a children's book. It is an adult fairy tale that is often read by children in wildly different- and sometimes profoundly damaging ways” (Randall). Although it is true that “To Kill a Mockingbird” has some complex topics, it is important that students learn about them. A great teacher who explores and discusses these topics will not cause damage to their students, but rather great learning experiences. If adults shield students from the realities of racism or prejudice how would they be able to know why it is so wrong? Essentially, students should learn about people who are different from themselves and the struggles they have to go through. People do not grow when they are comfortable, this book is written to make people uncomfortable so they can grow. Conversations in a classroom environment will lead students to a better understanding of these complex topics, and more empathy toward others. This is yet another reason why “To Kill a Mockingbird” should remain in the school curriculum. 

Overall,  students should read “To Kill a Mockingbird” in school because it shows students the effects of racism, and it explores topics such as empathy and prejudice. These reasons should provoke students to recommend this book to others who haven't had the chance to read this timeless classic.

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