Disadvantages Of Online Education Essay Example

📌Category: Education, School
📌Words: 826
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 24 May 2021

Education should be the top priority for kids. With the advances in technology today, kids are getting dumb and dumber. Because of the pandemic occurring, students are now learning online. We already have our youth staring at their phones 24/7 and now they will stare at a computer all day. Is online schooling the best choice for our students? The best type of education should have an appropriate environment, easy communication, and social interaction. Online school doesn’t fill this criteria and should not be a choice for students. 

An appropriate environment is critical for students because it affects the students ability to focus and obtain what they are learning. When online, most students are at home in bed. They are easily distracted by their family, pets, or other people coming to their house. This is not how schooling should be. Many times, my classmates will ask me what we are doing in class because they were watching Tik Tok. You would not get away with this if you were in-person. While online, students can be on their phones all class and not learn anything. State officials should enforce in-person schooling to help the students learn. In-person schooling has no distractions. And if one comes up, the teacher fixes it. The students focus and do their work. When they don’t, the teacher can see and make sure they do. In-person is the best option.

Easy communication is important because students need to ask questions and receive feedback to know what they are doing well and what they need to work on. When online, students don’t want to unmute and talk because they are scared. When they receive a bad grade, the students have to go to tutoring to talk about it. A lot of students don’t have time to do this. When they have a job or in a sport, they can’t wait after school. They could talk to the teacher at the end of class, but would you want everyone hearing your bad grade? I know I wouldn’t. Not only do students hate this, teachers can’t stand it as well. They are teachers, they love having conversations with their students. Now, they feel like they are talking to themselves. When they see everyone having their camera off or not paying attention, they feel useless because whatever they do is not enough to keep the students focused. When they are in-person the teacher can have easy conversations with the students. They ask the question and the student answers. Simple as that. Online school does not provide the communication necessary for education.

Social interaction is needed because students need to learn how to behave in the real world and it will prepare them for life outside of high school. Social interaction is a latent function in school, meaning it's something students learn that is unintentional. Online school has no social interaction. You may be able to talk through a screen, but that is not the same as the real world. Think about the young students. It is important for them to know how to behave around teachers and other students. Who knows how they will act when everyone goes back in person. But who can blame them, they were never taught how to act during school. It’s their first year of school and they are behind socially and academically. They need hands-on attention and activity. If high schoolers can’t focus, imagine a toddler behaving in online school. At that point, it’s their teacher and their parents job to keep them focused. If we were in-person, this would not be a problem. 

We can’t blame it all on the type of schooling; an issue with students is that they are lazy. Students never do their work simply because of their laziness. However, online school feeds their laziness. Students can now sleep in and just open their computer. They think that is enough because they are in class. They could be watching tv, on their phone, or sleeping but it’s okay because they are going to be counted there. Also, the students don’t have to go to class because asynchronous exists. They just fill out their attendance and don’t do any school. This is not okay, but online school allows the students to think this way. I believe teachers agree with this topic to some extent. They believe in-person school is better but think that the students aren’t trying enough online. State officials believe that covid is more important than our education. Yes, covid is serious and we need to contain it. But they are putting the people over the future of the youth. 

Online education does not fit the requirements for good schooling. It doesn’t have an appropriate environment, easy communication, or social interaction.  We need a better solution to help the students become better. To prepare them for the real world. To motivate them to want to succeed. Online schooling is not the solution. In my eyes, students lost a year of learning. I don’t blame it on the teachers, they are doing all they can. Yes, the students need to do their job as students, but online education affects them more than people realize. I did online school before attending public school and I felt the same way. I was lazy and didn’t learn anything. I am ready to be back in person and learning.

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