Personal Essay Example: My Thoughts on Plagiarism

📌Category: Education, Writing
📌Words: 491
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 02 August 2022

I grew up with a great fondness for reading and writing. I enjoy taking myself into the story. This shows truly how great the mind works and can transport you to a different place, time, or era. I have some experience in writing and wrote a few little children’s books of my own in grade school. I have always felt pride in my own work, the work of which I can say as mine only. I have celebrated my imagination and have the ability to do or say what my mind is thinking and convey that onto paper. What disservice would I be providing of myself that using someone else’s thoughts and words would do for me?  

My thoughts about plagiarism brings mixed feelings, and not in a positive sense. The words thief, copycat, and cheater initially come to my mind. None of which I would want to be looked as. Why would anyone want to Plagiarize? I can imagine that they might have a writer’s block that would prohibit them from producing their own substance. Could it be that a person committing this act may feel the writer they are copying work from has a better story to tell? Is this the effortless way, just out of laziness? Would using one other words or content give them accolades because they lack creativity? 

There have been a few times in my life I have been given the daunting and challenging task of writing a loved one's Eulogy. This is one of the most important pieces of writing a person could write as a final goodbye that summarizes the life of the one lost. Imagine if the story you wrote for them was fabricated. Let that sink in for a would you feel about that if it were written for you?  

I once read a book years ago that was wildly popular and on every book club list. The book was an amazing and gripping read. I thought after reading this work that the author made an amazing comeback and how awesome that he has the perseverance to get through all of that and become successful. It was one of those stories that you could not put down. I was blown away with the story and made sure to recommend the book to friends and relatives.  

Ask me how I felt after it came out that this author and his “memoirs” were fabricated, exaggerated, and parts were used from another writer. After this truth came out, I felt like I just gave someone my money who lied to me, as I am sure so many others felt as well. This author was shamed and publicly called out for his mistakes. How can you trust someone moving forward after believing what we read was true?  

Why would anyone want to be in the public eye, at school, or even at your employment and be called out for copying someone else? It is morally wrong and a cause for embarrassment. What it truly boils down to is if you have a mind and voice of your own, it will take you further.

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