Informative Essay Example on School Rules

đź“ŚCategory: Education, School
đź“ŚWords: 664
đź“ŚPages: 3
đź“ŚPublished: 29 July 2022

The most important rules at my school would be to always use the dress code that has been provided,be on time for every period,cellphones should be put away unless it is stated by a teacher that you are allowed to use it, there should be no shoving or pushing in the hallway,respect and listen to your teachers and your classmates,no vandalism on school property and you must use a clear backpack.

Each rule is created with its own purpose but each rule has something similar they all help the students.The dress code rule helps students out because we are to all dress with the same uniform which gives a presentable image of yourself,another reason this rule has been set is because if we were all to use the clothing we wanted we could make others feel bad by comments we make about what they are wearing due to the lack of maturity ,this helps stop bullying cases from rising .

We must all be on time for every period because this prevents time from being wasted. Time is something very valuable in school because if you waste even a second by being late, that second could be used for your benefit in learning something new.It is also important because  timeliness shows responsibility you should always keep track as to how much time you have to make it to your next period so you don't disrupt your own learning and your classmates learning time.

Cellphones are something that commonly distract most students and in order to prevent this from happening our school has created a cell phone policy which goes from a scale of 0-3 ,0 being that every cellphone should be out of sight and out of mind ,1 means that your cell phone can be out faced down on your desk ,number 2 allows you to listen to music when doing independent work and number 3 allows you to use your phone for academic purposes only. This rule helps you be on track with the lesson without getting distracted and it can also help you get a better understanding of the topic or lesson objective without losing track of what you are supposed to do.   No shoving or pushing should occur in the hallway during transitions for the very purpose  that you don't end up hurting others or yourself because every grade transitions at the same time causing the hallways to become crowded even if your trying to make it to class on time you should keep calm and wait until you manage to find a way in which you can make it to class without hurting anybody else.

You should always remember to respect your teachers as well as your classmates because ignoring what they are trying to say is something that can be considered disrespectful and bother the speaker.In addition to this the speaker could be stating important information and by not listening you also end up wasting learning time from your classmates this as well would be considered an act of disrespect towards your classmates.

There should be no vandalism to school property because the consequences are associated with the replacement or repairing damaged or stolen property.On top of that your parents would end up having to pay a higher financial need in order to repair and replace these objects.This will also affect you because charges can end up being put against your for damaging an object in what would be considered a private property .

At last would be that students must use clear backpacks so that staff members can see what is  inside of your backpack which can stop a kid from bringing a gun into the school or any kind of drug that can be handed to other students.It is also considered a security solution to many because this could decrease the school shootings that have been occurring lately . In other words this rule was established to keep everyone in a safe environment at all times.

Every rule established by the school has its own purpose but they all serve to keep the students safe as well as help their education. This shows me personally that many of the rules at school are important even if we don’t understand why such rules are to be made.

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