Essay Sample on Social-Emotional Learning

📌Category: Education, Emotion, Learning, Life
📌Words: 296
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 07 August 2022

This narrative report will inform, enlighten and gain insight into the discussion of social-emotional learning. 

So what is social-emotional learning? It is the study about a methodology that helps students of all ages to comprehend their emotions better, to feel those emotions fully, and demonstrate empathy for others. It is the process of developing the self-awareness, self-control, and interpersonal skills vital for school, work, and life success.

What comes to your mind when "happiness" is mentioned, you will think of contentment inner peace, relative, eternal, priceless, and longed and demanded into our life. We all desire to be happy because, in terms of sadness, problems, longing, depression, we want to be satisfied. Still, in the end, people tend to suicide because of depression. They don't have the light to their life; they are deprived of happiness. More people attempt suicide. In regards to WHO, suicide is the fourth leading cause of death. Among the age of 15-19 years old, 77% of global suicides occur. Some people feel anxiety and depression anxiety disorders develop from a complex set of risk factors. Even though people seek help from psychologist psychiatrists, it is treatable, yet only 36.9% receive treatment. 

How do we prevent people from being depressed? We are going to use the social skills we let the students be always safe at the school let them feel at ease, so the environment to them can be relaxing we don't give them anxiety overwhelm them because of school work we should always understand let the school be a place where students teacher be stressed free environment to them, In social literacy entails development social skills knowledge and positive human values toward desire and ability in human being act and react positively and responsibly wide range of complex social setting, we use communication properly to gain feedback and referrals from people who personally attest to work to make the school indeed a healthy and conducive learning environment.

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