Persuasive Essay Sample: Students Should Go to College

📌Category: Education, Higher Education
📌Words: 434
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 24 July 2022

Nelson Mandela once said, “Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.” Education is a very important weapon to use no matter where you are just like Nelson Mandela had said. Have you ever thought about whether all students need to go to college or not? I think all students should go to college, but it shouldn’t be obligated to students.

The first main reason that students should go to college is because it offers new experiences and opportunities. The experiences and opportunities are new to the students and it allows them to try more things. Then, it can help with what they wanna do or what kinds of jobs to get in the future. Similarly, college is a whole new environment. Everything will be new for the students to get used to. Students can also meet new friends who can help you later in future.

Secondly, the main reason would be going to college will help with adult life. Going to college will be a very important point in choosing your future job. For exactly to say, it literally decides your future. This means that college prepares for the student’s life after graduating. You can know more people in the area you're working on. When you need help with something related to that subject, they can help you. College allows you to learn about your future job and you can get a better job.

The last reason that students should go to college is that you can also learn how to start your own business. For example, when your major is about learning economic stuff, college can teach you about starting your own business very specifically. Then, in the future, you will

remember every time what to do if you are running a company. It lets you get to have more knowledge. College teaches you how to start and run your business. Lastly, it also helps you to create solid plans so you won’t have to stress too much about it.

There are people in the world who don't go to college and can still do a very fantastic job on their own business. For example, Bill gates, who a lot of people know, is a famous software developer. He didn’t actually graduate from college. Then, he started his business, Microsoft, with his partner Paul Allen. However, on average, graduates have a higher salary than undergraduates. For instance, if students themselves know they cannot have a good future without college, then going to college should be their choice, but it isn’t for everybody.

Going to college is always a choice and it just depends on if people wanna go or not. There are so many things we can learn about in this world today. It’s never bad to have more knowledge than to have less.

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