Persuasive Essay Sample: Should Students Be Allowed To Grade Their Teachers

đź“ŚCategory: Education, Grading
đź“ŚWords: 613
đź“ŚPages: 3
đź“ŚPublished: 25 July 2022

In my own opinion, I believe that students should not grade their teachers. The students may give some suggestions to help the teacher in the future, if any students don’t not understand a lesson topic. Teachers should be able to teach their students what they think will better improve their education of learning and growth. Students also may grade what they feel will be best for themselves, but they might not realise or understand that there are more students that will be grading the teacher with their own opinions, besides that one student. Many drawbacks are included if you let students grade their teachers. Students might hold a grudge or a dislike  against their teachers, teachers aren’t typically the ones who make the lesson/topic syllabus, and students might be immature or harshly grade their teachers since students might want what is best for themselves. 

To start out, certain students, or most students might dislike a certain teacher, which can lead to harsh grading, dislikes and grudges to certain topics, and even give low scores for just not understanding, even though the student could be messing around. If teachers were to get feedback from students, they prefer helpful and thoughtful feedback. It states, “if students do not like their teacher, they might give low scores instead of providing fair feedback.” This means that even if a teacher is doing a good job on teaching, the students might dislike the teacher and give bad grades, and unfair feedback.

Additionally, most teachers aren’t actually the people who create the lesson syllabus. Most students who dislike the lesson ideas or topics, tend to take the blame on their teachers, teaching the topic. Although a teacher might assign lots of boring homework, that isn’t the teacher's fault, since that’s their job, to help students grow and learn. Lots of homework from Middle and High School will help for your education future, and also you will be very thankful for expanding your knowledge. It mentions, “it may seem unfair to judge a teacher who had no hand in forming the syllabus – which is often created by the school or the board of education.” I entirely agree with this statement, since most of the time, teachers aren’t able to fully create the whole lesson just for the students, because the students might grade the teachers harshly. The teachers get lesson plans from the education board, then they teach it to their own class.

Moreover, it states here,”evaluate their progress and make learning more enjoyable for the class. They should know how students feel about their teaching style and if they are imparting knowledge.” I disagree with this, since it means that even though a student might have their own opinions to make the  class “better,” I don’t think that students should expect the teachers to do everything a student would want in the classroom or as a lesson topic, if they grade their teacher harshly. Although a student can make suggestions to help different types of students grow, I don’t think that  means that a student should grade a teacher just because they feel like a teacher might be failing or not helping any students grow. Teachers are already graded by principals, they don’t need to be  graded by students also. I understand why a student might want to grade a teacher, since they can grade the teacher, and let their teacher know that they might not understand what a teacher might be teaching, and that it also can make the teacher more responsible, I don’t believe that the students should be the ones grading the teachers, especially when you might either have a teacher-student relationship without having to grade the teacher, not to mention some students may be very immature to give appropriate grades towards the teacher.

To conclude, I believe that teachers shouldn’t be graded by their students. A student might disapprove and grade harshly towards a teacher, or towards a specific lesson made by the education board.

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