Cell Phones Should Be Banned in Schools Essay Example

đź“ŚCategory: Education, School, Science, Technology
đź“ŚWords: 578
đź“ŚPages: 3
đź“ŚPublished: 29 May 2021

Ding, power, ding, of, DINGGG, another phone just intervened your urgent lesson that will help your student with a critical exam, then they will blame you for cheating, how would you respond? In my view, I think that cell phones should be prohibited from school grounds, for various plausible reasons such as Jennifer L. Bett's and the Editors at Oxford Learning's articles said, students are exceeding likely to cheat with cell phones within their grasps, cell phones make the ability to cyberbully and spread it easier, and cell phones create distractions that interfere with the system of learning.

As research shows, students are exceeding likely to cheat with cell phones within their grasps. Based on the author of "Cons of Cell Phones in School" she states that "Some models have advanced calculators, and depending on the software, may even be able to run custom applications that can contribute to academic dishonesty." This evidence shows that cell phones are a danger to the future of learning because they cause students to study less, decreases in listening, and less engagement. Without phones, many life, skills, and commitment would be better. Some opposers think that cell phones give students access to tools and apps that can help them complete their classwork. A study from The Benenson Strategy Group in 2009 stated that "35% of students have used cell phones to cheat. Additionally, 41% of students admit to storing notes on phones to use during tests, and 46% of teens admitted to texting friends about answers." This shows that a little under 50% of students cheat instead of using educational apps, or studying so that claim isn't a rather effective one.

Now in the world, cell phones make the ability to cyberbully and spread it easier. Data from the Cyberbullying Research in 2016 showed that "33.8% of students have, been, bullied cause self-affliction of many different forms, and bullying gets in the way of students being equal and students learning. Some claims say using social media can keep students interested and encourages them to participate in the discussion. But as this evidence says, "11.9% [of students] have been threatened, through a cell phone text, and 11.1% [of students] have had a hurtful image of them posted. This concurs that social media is a place where bullying is more likely to happen than studying, and this also texting is has become a little more harmful. 

Furthermore, cell phones create distractions that interfere with the system of learning. According to a 2010 study from Pew Research Center, "64% of students say they have texted in class, and 25% have made or taken a call." This explains that many students are doing other things than absorbing the knowledge they need to learn and that there are many sounds that phones cause that distracts learning. Some people say if kids didn’t have cell phones in school to use as a distraction, they would find other methods of distraction. Based on "Cell Phones In The Classroom: Learning Tool Or Distraction" "When students use their cell phones to check social media and text their friends in class, it leads to distractions for those students as well as for their peers. This evidence shows that phones are going to cause distractions for everyone rather than one person, yes students may find other distractions, but they won't be as harmful as cell phones.

In conclusion, these are some of the many reasons why cell phones should be prohibited from school grounds. Articles show that students are exceeding likely to cheat with cell phones within their grasps, cell phones make the ability to cyberbully and spread it easier, and cell phones create distractions that interfere with the system of learning. Cell phones can be useful but they are more of a danger.

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