Persuasive Essay Example: Schools Should Be Required to Offer Art Courses

📌Category: Education, School
📌Words: 466
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 30 July 2022

As a high school student, I feel that taking art classes at the different schools I have attended have let me be more creative, expressive, and have allowed me to meet new people that I wouldn’t have otherwise met or interacted with, and in turn create new relationships with them.  Art classes also let students who want to pursue careers in art when they grow up take classes while they are still in school, so they can hopefully train for their future careers. Schools should be required to offer art courses because these courses let students like me tap into their creative sides, express themselves in many different ways, and have fun while they are working by themselves or collaborating with others.

First of all, schools should be required to offer art courses because these courses help students tap into their creative sides. For example, “art introduces students to varied avenues of self-expression and allows them to use the more creative side of their brain” ( This shows that students who take art classes can use the creative methods they learned in order to figure out other stuff in the other classes they choose to take.

Additionally, schools should be required to offer art courses because these courses let students express themselves in many different ways. For instance, “a recent study published by found that visual arts students reported significantly higher levels of school attendance than did non-visual arts students” (  This shows that students who took these courses kept showing up to class because they knew that they would learn a new way to express themselves each time.

Furthermore, schools should be required to offer art courses because these courses help students have fun while they are working by themselves or with others.  To illustrate, “through the arts, students develop skills like resilience, grit, and a growth mindset to help them master their craft, do well academically, and succeed in life after high school as well as having fun with their peers” ( This shows that taking art courses have many benefits in school, and in a job, as well as being super fun! 

Therefore, Some may argue that schools having to require students to take art classes will seclude students from taking other classes and learning about important things in other subjects such as English, Science, or Math, other people might think that art classes aren’t as important as the other core classes; however in reality art courses open up students to new possibilities and teach them other methods of learning. According to, “art benefits students by helping them develop skills like resilience, grit, and a growth mindset to help them master their craft, do well academically, and succeed in life after high school. In the early stages of learning an art form, students engage with the activity because it's fun.” Having schools  require art courses let students tap into their creative sides, express themselves in different ways, and have fun while they are working with themselves or collaborating with others.

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