Persuasive Essay Sample on School Uniform

📌Category: Education, School Uniforms
📌Words: 577
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 26 July 2022

Ever since the 16th century, school uniforms have played a major part in the world of education. School uniforms have had many positive impacts on school in various situations since then. The school uniform policy should become a rule in schools because it can help reduce behavior issues, it helps to reduce the cost for families, and it may improve the atmosphere of learning. 

Many behavior issues and lots of schools mostly revolve around the clothing of a kid. Some kids get picked on because their clothing isn't as expensive as the others or it's an off-brand shirt. But when all kids wear similar clothing, this can drop the amount of bullying happening in schools or even referrals and suspensions. Now according to Article 2, paragraph 14, "One school that found this to be true is the John Adams Middle School in Albuquerque, NM. When they mandated school uniforms, discipline referrals dropped from 1,565 in the first semester of the previous year to 405." This shows statistically that school uniforms can change in a behavior manner. Although Source 2 states that, "In fact, a peer-reviewed study found that school uniforms increased the average number of assaults by about 14 per year in the most violent schools." This isn't necessarily because of uniforms and more of a disciplinary problem. It says at the end, "in the most violent schools." These schools may be violent and they probably will continue to become even more because it may be the nature surrounding the school. So this is more of an external issue rather than internal. So, uniforms have a positive impact in terms of behavior, but can families even afford these uniforms? 

The cost of uniforms are very low compared to brand-name clothing. Brands tend to produce their products with a very high expense. But regular uniforms are less expensive and may even be free in some schools. In Section 7 of Article 2, the author states that, "There is less pressure to buy expensive name-brand clothing, and school uniforms might be more affordable." Many kids today are almost always aiming for the expensive brand clothing, this puts some pressure against families when shopping for clothing. But when there is a uniform policy, all they have to buy is a collar shirt and pants. Now in the same section the authors states that, "When public schools force parents to buy uniforms, this could be placing a hardship on some families." It states that it puts "hardship" on families, but the text never elaborates the word hardship after. Either way the families have to buy clothing, but it may cost less compared to brands. So, families will be less stress and keep their wallets in good shape with uniform policy.  

Lastly, the atmosphere of learning has to be kept at a good level for concentration. The clothing can pose as a big factor because many students may play around with their clothing and making sure it looks "good", or they may just be distracted by it. According to the Section 3 of Article 2, "Researchers in Australia noted that students who wear uniforms had improved discipline and academic performance." This shows that students can be focused and more concentrated and the discipline part even ties in with the first reason showing how clothing leads to mostly positive impacts. And in the end, uniforms can help students focus.

All in all, the uniform is a major part of the school system. It helps a lot in behavioral issues, the amount of money conceded, and the learning atmosphere. Uniforms are a big part of schools and have been since the 16th century, and since then, students have focus on the right thing rather than wrong. In this case, education over clothing.

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